The "league promotion progress" bar isn't working

The mmr progress bar is always showing “Bronze 3” even thow it’s showing my MMR (3331) correctly. Also in player profile (mine or on someone else) the mmr bar is again empty and showing Bronze 3 even though the league above it says Diamond". That started happening few months ago. Full uninstall of the game and battle net + wipe folder and reinstall again didn’t help.

This bug has been there this entire season, if you leave your league you will be placed in bronze no matter your mmr (beastyqt the gm series guy left the league, did the placement match and now hes in bronze 1 with 6k mmr) and me and my barcode acc is in master 3 with 3k mmr the entire league system is fucked but the mmr still works as intended

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Yeah, I just did placement matches as Terran and got to Master 3 with 3k MMR…

When are Blizzard going to fix this, and the broken matchmaking system? I got placed in Masters but am playing Bronze players wayyy better than me. It’s so messed up, ruining the game. Come on Blizzard fix it please!