The new patch is so wrong

Terran will never lose a game vs zerg again.


So it will have 3 specific upgrades lmao … nonsense …
Without pathogen glands it cant use fungal as it spawns …
Neural needs an upgrade too … which got nerfed …
Microbial thing needs hive and its useless since at that point protoss should have high templar or distruptors or colossus or mass zealots which demolishes hydras.
TLDR: the new infestor is useless.

Nydus worm

Triple nerf lmao. The only agressive option for zerg. Meanwhile it does not bother the balance team that every terran unit is a harass unit, even the late game capital ship which can be done at 5:30 with a normal macro build. No, they buff terran harass even further …

Although i admit nydus worms are too strong. But the nerfs are so wrong …
You should do only this 2 changes:
1; Summon Nydus Worm ability cooldown increased from 0 to 14.
2; Summoning Nydus Worms will trigger an alert: “Seismic disturbance detected …”


Nerfing creep tumors, while encouraging hellion openers with the cheaper upgrade.
Another buff to the free turbo medivacs while mutas are still useless in TvZ.

Brood Lords

“Fixing” the leash range while further buffing thors anti air attack. Also the thor has 2 types of anti air attack that makes no sense …

The biggest sin of all

9 years passed and the most overpowered, most unfair, easiest to use game mechanic even got easier: MULES !!!

ps: instead of changing the cost of the overlord speed upgrade every patch how about move it back to the lair??? Also bring back evo chamber requirement for ventral sacs.

You are so wrong. The infestor is not useless, mass infestors is just not viable anymore. The increased unload delay of the nydus is only a fracton of second like 180ms or something. And you still can load in and load out your whole army in a very short amount of time.
Terrans need to herass the Zerg or they are going to die because of the fast growing economy of zergs.
Terrans also need the thors’ anti-air-attack. What do you want to build against broodlords? Useless vikings which get fungaled or ghosts who can’t reach them reliably?
I don’t get why MULES are op either.
Honestly, the last thing the game needs is less Zerg nerfs or even buffs.
And no, I am not a terran player.

I think also that sc2 from rts chess ( Wings of Liberty) become simple shooter ( Legacy of the Void II). There is not combos defence/attack it is only attack since defence if very bad.

Zerg units are absurd against story/fable infector have infected terrans now it have two type of smoke and impractical control of other units. This game become worse and worse but should be better and better.

Maybe it time to reset it to story of Wings of Liberty and rich defend/attack strategies what is the best of this game before it get lost of memory (alzheimer).


I see someone left the circus door open in the us forums …
Listen, gold leaguer (if you play this game at all) …

1; The new infestor has 3 uprades. Compare it to their counterparts …
The infestor cant do anything without upgrades. It doesnt have and auto attack, it cant turn into an overpowered combat unit. Yet its the most expensive compared to the counterparts …
If its only worth to buy 3-6 infestors then is it really worth to invest in 3 upgrades? No.
The microblyat is useless thats for sure.
2; The thor has 2 TYPES of anti air attack. 2 TYPES. You understand? If you have eyes you should use it. Among with your brain. 1 NEEDS to be removed because it makes no sense to have 2 TYPES of ANTI AIR which is good vs every air unit.
3; Yeah probably the nydus nerfs wont affect lategame. But hurts zerg early and mid game too much. Terran just can do anything, zerg cant beat them because of overpowered terran defense mechanincs.
4; You dont get why MULES are not op? I dont get how can you communicate without a brain.

  • Mule comes from a building: cost 0 supply. Which means you can throw infinite amount
  • does not overlap with other workers, you can get income boost even when your mineral line is fully saturated
  • No cooldown, no restrictions, 200 energy can store up to 4 from a single building
  • Even orbitals can fly which means you can store up them safely and use it when needed
  • terran is mineral heavy, which means MULE mining are much more important, 2 base terran is equals to a 3 base zerg/toss and if the zerg/toss cant gain tech advantage they are going to lose
  • can replace lost workers, or workers used in an attack, which means terran wont lose income when other races are
  • super easy to use
  • there are ton of games when terran is behind 20-30 workers, or has no workers at all and they still wont leave because they can always use mules. Zerg has to tech up and defend, because he cant attack vs overpowered terran defense with normal units.

5; Terran need to harass zerg … Listen again
“every terran unit is a harass unit” - why even the BC should be? You understand? Not …
Zerg cant get huge income advantage because its limited how much drones they can make. Zerg also needs 5 bases for high tech gas units, while 3 base needed for terran and marines wont stop. Also terran can make units and workers at the same time, this is not possible for zerg or the income advantage is gone. Zerg also cant attack terran before spore brood lord corruptor infestor and and before 80% of the map is in creep because of overpowered terran defense units/mechanincs.
But zerg had 1 advantage: if zerg was able to get the ultimate army then it was easy to trade vs terran. So thats why terran had to delay zerg, not because of the income. And why? Because terran cant change composition that fast which is good vs zerg late game.
But thats gone now. Creep spread is gonna be harder. You cant use infestors. Thor has range, dps, cost etc advantage vs brood lords now. You dont need tech lab starport to upgrade liberators.
Terran lategame is way stronger now, early game is also stronger. In the mid game if its even then terran can just turtle up and tech to late game. If the zerg techs or builds too much units in mid game then he has to win in mid game, because it wont have late game.