The phone number is lost

The phone number is lost, when you try to delete it, it sends a code to it, when you try to contact technical support to confirm the record, it sends the code to it again. Vicious circle what to do?

You can try to switch the verification mode to the battlenet app (if you have it installed), and then when you go to change the phone number it will require auth from the app itself, and not from the phone.

Greetings, ТиТ! o/

If you are having issues with the security of your account, please, contact our Game Masters with all the details:

I can’t contact because it requires a code from SMS for authorization

Hey ТиТ

You can try to contact us directly without the need of login into your account.
All you need to do is to use this link without trying to login into your Blizzard account. This should allow you to bypass those security requests as you are not logged into the account. :slight_smile: