"there is a temporary outage of the battle net service please try again later"

I don’t know how to fix this please help

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I have the exact same issue. Reinstalling or scanning and repairing the game doesn’t fix it. Strangely I do have access to the Korean servers, though since I play on EU servers that doesn’t help me :frowning:
Only thing that I know to do is make a ticket asking for help from Blizzard. Hoping that it will get an answer quickly.

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Having the same issue. Managed to log into korean servers as well. no luck with eu or us servers. i play eu as well.

Im also encountering this same issue for US region it started last night around 9 or 10 pm EST

Same issue. Friend otherwise have no problems to login to EU

The issue was fixed last week, now its back. Seems to happen every tuesday…?

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A post was merged into an existing topic: There is a temporary outage of the Battle.net service [16/02]