Zerg are weak, heres why

Zerg cannot win in the late game:

They have three air-combat units: mutalisk, corruptor, and brood-lord.

The Protoss have the void-ray, oracle, tempest, carrier, mothership, and phoenix.

The Terran has the battlecruiser, banshee, raven, valkyrie, and liberator.

Thats 3, 6, and 5 air-combat units respectively.

While the oracle and raven need to do something to attack, ie charge or drop a turret, this does not even out.

The Zerg cannot beat the Protoss fleet because they don’t have the versatility or the firepower to match it.

The Zerg can beat the Terran fleet, but only at great expense.

Consider that the Zerg’s best strategy is to full rush.

Terran and Protoss players know this and utilize the one advantage that zerg don’t have: build outside the natural, expand early, and build the fleet.

This negates the Zerg’s early advantage, and forces them to mass-build counters to the fleet: corruptors and hydras.

By the time the Zerg attack the Terran or Protoss who have employed the above strategy, with roaches, there can be carriers and battle cruisers.

This obviously doesn’t work.

So the Zerg player must figure out what’s behind the wall with the only scout he or she has at that stage in the game, the overseer (or overlord with pneumatized carapace).

As this risks capping Zerg supply, it is not a great tactic, and often the scouting reveals little.

Thus if the Zerg sees the wall outside the natural, he or she must assume that the fleet will be built at some stage.

The danger here is that the Zerg player overbuilds corruptors and then loses to an all-in on the ground.

In a longer game, what can actually happen is corruptors see off the fleet, Terran or Protoss rebuilds ground troops using the freed-up supply, and Zerg’s corruptors are useless.

Thus the only logical choice is to go mutalisks or hydras, and these units are not great.

Mutalisks are slow and feeble, and you need a lot of Hydras versus the fleet to ensure a victory.

It may also be better to build Hydras because the cheapest counter is nearly always best.

Put simply its a no-brainer, the zerg are constrained by reactive play at every stage in the game if it is played well by the opponent.

Zerg has to build counters it doesn’t have, and has to rely on casters to gain the advantage on the battlefield.

Consider also that in order to build an air-counter, the Zerg need spawning pool (200m), lair (150/100), and Hydralisk den (150/100) which is timed equally to stargate and starport.

Thus while Terran and Protoss enjoy cheap, early air-counters (marine and stalker), the Zerg do not.

This makes it hard for them to amass a standing army to do a good all-round job.

The Protoss also have the advantage that their second-tier tech building (cybernetics core) doesn’t need gas!

This makes it easy for the protoss to get those second-tier units a lot more quickly than either Zerg or Terran.

Zerg is further hamstrung by the fact that they generally need to build the roach warren because roaches are cheap and good, but they cannot target air-units.

So the Zerg has to spend more, to produce their only good counter (the hydra) which arrives too late, considering that we also need to max out the natural to produce them in the numbers required.

But surely the Zerg can go straight to air?

Yes, but without a wall its useless and if mutas come up against marines or stalkers (or battlecruisers with Yamato cannon), they are dead.

The Terran also have the dire advantage that they can scan the zerg base, jump in some battlecruisers, and take out the Spire in no time at all, retreat the battlecruisers, and build some more.

So Zerg air and Zerg air counters are weak and poorly positioned on the tech tree and its a cinch to beat them.

Maybe this is why, in every league division, there are something like 1-2 Zerg players out of 10?

The Zerg suck and need earlier Hydras (or something similar), and more and better air units.

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You forgot the viper, but I think the same is missing decent anti air

viper with para bomb, the ease of spore crawler defensive line. Hydra on 4base with line bane support deals with the speed of construction for protoss air while you build up to that lategame viper, corruptor ball.

Lategame is all about control of units for all races. Neither side can really make mistakes or they’re at a heavy disadvantage but Zerg has the least to lose in that respect due to the speed of producing multiple units at once.

Your complaints seem to indicate a lack of understanding in terms of scouting, and mechanics given that you’re so focussed on the idea of counters.

If a protoss or Terran opened like you describe, queens and lings could deal with the majority of it till lair. Banes and hydras keeping you going to Hive, and then you’ve got a full tier army with a defensive line and adrenal lings killing in areas they physically cannot cover.

The assumption that a wall means air is also a bit weird because it NEVER means that. It means they’re likely to make something that anti air will help against sure.

If you’re building corruptors and losing to a ground based allin, you’ve not scouted properly and you deserve to lose regardless of race played.

Muta is amazing, but very much control based and intended to create map control for expansion rather than kill the opponent. Hydra are fantastic but require “tanks” in lingbane to keep them alive and killing things.

Your conclusion on what a zerg needs vs starport and stargate is just plain wrong. Spore per base, get your 6 queens and keep droning. They can’t make more than 1 ground unit at a time until the third air unit comes out due to the economy aspect of probe production. Similar idea for terran.

Zerg never needs to build roach. It’s a useful unit to have, especially since ravager became a thing for zoning aspects but it’s not a necessity.

The rest of it is just something that is basic “pay attention” type stuff so I’m not even going to bother.

A lot of your complaints seem based on tech switches but I guarantee you, you’re late on everything, your opponent builds buildings he doesn’t need as the game progresses without building units.
You lose the game because you didn’t build enough stuff to win a fight and by the end, you used all your stuff and told yourself your macro was strong and they should have lost.

TL;DR Zerg isn’t weak, you are.


valkyrie is not in the game.

You don’t necessary needs air unit to beat air unit. Zerg have some really strong spells that works greats against air army, like fungal, parasetic bomb, the grab of the viper.

I early game you have queen by default, they are efficient vs early air harass and can be pretty good if you mass them a bit vs… every air unit.

But you seems to don’t know a lot about the game (it’s ok), I suggest you to analyze your replay, or post them on the forum.

Because when you say :
“Consider that the Zerg’s best strategy is to full rush.
Terran and Protoss players know this and utilize the one advantage that zerg don’t have: build outside the natural, expand early, and build the fleet.”

Actually, zerg is the race that expands the most, and it reaches 200/200 before the 2 other races.
Maybe you don’t do that (and that’s ok) but what you say is factually false. Look at stantards build for zerg in whatever website on sc2 builds and you will be surprised.

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Also (with everything stated above) I think you undervalue one of the better scouting units in the game. (Being the Changeling).
No cost, ridiculously fast… and you would be surprised how many players don’t notice or realise that one of their units act strangely.
Also, you REALLY undervalue the power of the hit and run Mutas. They can easily outmaneuver most air forces and harass the enemy resource line extremely fast and easily.

Zerg is the only race where u need to be creative to actualy do anything. the others can simply just max out what ever and it can do alot of damage. all zerg units are weak even against what they shold be good against. Ultralisk is the single most useless creature ever, it’s good against low health creatures mainly marines, also zerglings but hey when does a ultralisk ever come across a player who only makes zerglings? marines are so stupid cuz u just move them back and attack repeat, so the ultralisk won’t even get near before it dies. and it is a 300 250 unit. battlecruiseres get a teleport ability? wtf! why can’t ultralisk get the charge ability then? or the revive one. why can’t mutalisk be the one’s with the anti ground upg? it’s so stupid and so badly designed that u need to buy an anti air to get the anti ground unit! wtf! zerg has 3 units wich take both air and ground units, the other two races has 9. mutalisk never works because of this and corrupters is a joke of an anti air unit compared to the elite forces the terran and protoss have. zerg is not favored at all by the creators and it’s stupid how obvius and dumb the designes are on zerg creature and the creatures they got in the new expansions. i am so annoyed XD

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Lots of people in this thread showing off their lack of game knowledge and skill. Currently, SC2 is in the best place (balance-wise) it’s ever been. Zerg dominated recently, then Terran, and now Protoss is the favored race in the major tournaments. This is due to the players’ skill constantly changing and evolving, discovering new meta.

No, Zerg is not weak. In fact, Zerg beat Protoss so bad late game that Protoss got Tectonic Destabilizers, Flux Vanes, Void Rays had their movement speed increased and cost reduced, and Feedback range increased to 12 because of the incredible Viper/Hydra/Spore defense in the late game. Zerg destroyed an entire tournament a couple years back with the Swarm Host/Nydus strategy that was basically impossible to beat.

Yes, some balance issues do exist, and they will for the foreseeable future. This will (presumably, if ActiBlizz does not decide to drop support completely) be worked on by the devs. The people complaining about the AMOUNT of air units don’t understand the game. The balance team does not favor any race over the other.

No, the Ultralisk, Mutas, Corruptors, et cetera are not badly-designed units. You just haven’t figured out what role they play/aren’t good at using them. Zerg units are the weakest units by design, because you can make more of them faster with Larvae than any other race. Zerg needs to be careful with engagements, using Creep, the speed of the Zerg army, and the map to its advantage when engaging in order to surround and outmaneuver the enemy.

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I am i no way a pro, nor skilled i just enjoy the game. But i do have seen a lot of pro game matches, and what i have heard from the commentators is the following. “Skytoss needs 100% to be very good, but 90% will often work.” Thinking of this, playing with 95% efficiency will work. 95% may seem stressful, but i assume you are not some top 500 player, which means your standard is way lower than the pro-matches i watch. So, if the pros can beat Skytoss, you probably can to, just practice a little, thats how you can beat skytoss. Do as me Watch the pros and try to see what they are doing and not doing, adjust your playstyle if neccesary.

Now i know you also talked about terrans air-force, i don´t have much to say there so i wont

If someone reads this and thinks, ugh no this is wrong, then please reply under, as i said, i am no pro, but just felt this was an unfair harassment on the games balances :slight_smile:

i agree u need viper to beat skytoss