ZvT is broken, given equal skill level, here is why >

  1. Most Terran all-ins are not really all-ins. They either kill you, or deal enough damage to make you stay on your side of the map to recover, while T gets to macro behind. Basically when terrans fail their all-in they still stay in the game on even ground. I rarely have a chance to counterattack after an early push, and these attacks are always repeled by just a couple of units and a wall.
  2. Terran has too many options against Z in the early to mid game. It is good to see variety of play, but what could Z do except for straight cheese? Nothing. It makes ZvT games either boring or non-rewarding. Failing to scout Terral plan for the next minute leads to the score screen most of the time. All kinds of rax proxy, hellion harrass, liberators, banshees, battlecruiser rush, etc. Zerg always needs a perfect scout, then a perfect response to not die to harass. And then, it is still a struggle. When Z fails a push, T could just a-move across the map and win from that point.
  3. Terran units are amazing on their own. They are even better when combined properly.
  • Marines are an amazing cheap unit, that has insane upgrades, cheese potential, stays relevant for the entire game. Not a problem by themselves, just a good unit.
  • Tanks are so strong, in some games it is impossible to break a tank position. They also have insane range and splash damage, destroying lings, banes, roaches, lurkers, hydras. Area denial.
  • Thor is an a-move unit that shuts down any kind of air play while also being good to amazing against anything else.
  • Widow mine is a stupid unit. Dirt cheap (except for supply), always pays for itself. Could win games by itself, does not leave room for error. Insane area denial.
  • Terran units are low-effort and high-reward. Mostly, this is my complaint. Half their units have splash damage, insane range, or both. All of T units have unfair DPS. I’m not Serral to micro 2 types of casters, transfusing with Queens and splitting my army in 6 groups. And every game it feels like it is absolutely a must, or my army gets crushed before even connecting. Against a guy with 90 apm that just spams siege units (tanks, libs, mines) and a-move thors, while sucking his bases dry with MULEs.
  1. Terran is too strong defensively. They don’t need to scout, too. At all. Terran units are just good against anything Z can do and basic unit compositions defends any kind of push. Terrans blindly build 2k minerals worth of turrets every game and get away with it. They have planetaries, tanks, mines, thors, libs. It is either impossible to break their bases or the trade is bad for Z when Terran gets on the map with his army. I know Zerg has to starve Terran to death, but most games it feels the other way around.

I just don’t understand why is it balanced that way. Terran has all the fun, while Zerg is struggling to survive at any point in the game. Zerg needs to put at least twice the effort to at least have a chance to win. Zerg players need to understand Terran builds, timings, and proper response. Any kind of mistake is almost always not a setback, but an instant loss. Games always feel unfair, because I also played Terran before and I know it just doesn’t make you sweat at that level of play.

I can beat Terrans with cheese strats, but rarely in a macro game, given we have the same game knowledge and mechanical skill level. Zerg just has to do more. And still gets less rewarded.

If my Terran opponent has a proper build order and even remotely tries to micro their units they always come out ahead. I have 55% winrate against toss and 65% winrate in ZvZ. For Terrans it is around 40% and those mostly come from people who barely know what they are doing or when I uncover their proxy cheese. Still, even against these casual players that have their MMR inflated by a streak of cheese, it’s not an easy time. Every Terran I see on the ladder is a game session ruined. I’m not looking for easy games and I don’t want Zerg to be overpowerd. I just want fair gameplay that requires the same amount of effort from players to win a match. Sadly, this is not the case. I’ve only been playing this season though, might be a map pool issue. Sadly, the next patch won’t change any of the things I mentioned above. I’m not sure if Terrans need a nerf, or Zerg a buff. Just this matchup as a whole needs a re-work. It is not fun.

Zerg players in diamond (or slightly below), does any one of you have above 50% winrate against T (cheese not included)?

i’m a diamond zerg (4k-ish) and I’m currently sitting on a 91% win rate vs. Terran. I simply drone scout every game and get overlord speed every game so I can deny basically every opening, especially allins with hellbats or stuff like that. If you know exactly what’s coming, then it’s actually pretty easy to hold off: hellbat pushes, BCs, 16 Marine drop, all of those openings are very easy to identify.
if you shut down hard the terrans first aggression, you usually can get ahead quite comfortably by just droning quickly and taking bases

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