Game Not Launching

Yeah multiplayer crashes for me too about 50-60% of the time. Direct Strike

iMac OS 13.7 Intel


@pindar I have the exact same issue. I would say I have the same percentage chance of crashing too - 50-60%. It most often happens between minute 10-20 of a game of direct strike. I use a MacBook Air M2.

interesting. for me it’s mostly been within the first 3 minutes, although twice it was later, about 20 minutes in

To break it completely lol

Ye, multiplayer game sometimes crashes (more often than before), and also characters and buildings are invisible on many custom maps (were visible before).

Same issue both with enabled/disabled reforged modes.

I think it is because of some graphic updates - game became really smoother and faster, but some custom maps are broken.

I hope it will be fixed with the next update.
Thank you.