Delete the Zandalari

They are a ruined race who have nothing good going for themselves anymore.

The alliance attack on their city ruined them beyond repair. Their king is dead, the fleet sunken and the army disbanded. They are factually a dead race. It would be a mercy for the fans to see them removed from the game entirely. Delete them and replace them with a race that has no damage from alliance incursions. Like Ogres and Amani. Those would be perfect future allies for the Horde to recruit.


Bit early for the weekend drive-by, surely?


Void Elves > Blood Elves


You’re like an echo that bounces off the walls of endless repetition.

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Void elves are traitor scum who deserve to be killed off.


We will take your precious Silvermoon one day.


Ogres have received severe casualties during legion.

Amani are at war with the Horde and have been utterly decimated by the Horde and Alliance alike.

The city is still intact.

A king who has proven to be an idiot. Who relied on a Loa that didnt like him. Replaced by a daughter who is liked by all Loas of the Zandalari. Including Bwonsamdi. Bwonsamdi actually being interested in not having her die.

And already repaired. Also ships are pretty much meaningless with all the portal and airship shenanigans we have and the “we need them ships” in BFA already didnt make sense for a number of reasons.


I think you need to brush up on your lore.

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Tbh, I suspect the fact there is no heir to the Zandalari throne atm…and Bwonsamdi’s ‘Royal Loa’ status depending on there being one, may be a consideration.

The fleet is gone and will never return.

A king who would have attacked the alliance and ignored the trash Horde council amendments of peace.

It is not. It is utterly destroyed.

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If he would have attacked the Alliance he would have proven once more of how stupid he is. The Zandalari are in no position to fight either the horde nor the alliance. Even before the events of BFA.

Stop spreading lies. You are alliance bias.


Yes please.

Being banned in the german forum surely hit his ego hard. I pity you all for still having to read his bs… :confused:


We enjoy it, we look forward to his removal from the German forum so he can entertain us with his alliance bias which offsets the other guys horde bias. One day they shall meet and create their own universe of bias that crazy people will make religions about.


Nice dude! :smiley: We also have a guy over there who made up a good theory about that he clearly must be a double agent and does some sort of a false flag action.^^

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Erevien i am disapointed.
Cross faction testing was announced yesterday, and where are Your “cancel cross-faction” threads ?

Must be a nice lecture. Can i get some of this ?

It’s erevien, he makes it up as he goes along


Delete Erevien, problem solved.


I can’t wait to group with Erevien on my Alliance chars!