The new Deadmines as it got revamped in Cataclsm without the gauntlet at the end:
- 5 bosses
- So linear you won’t even need to check your percentage
The new Deadmines as it got revamped in Cataclsm without the gauntlet at the end:
Botanica. No doubt
Well since apparently it affects the dungeon finder I’d like ones I haven’t or hardly got to play, like Seat of the Triumvirate or Mechagon. Maybe throw in Zul’aman and Zul’gurub in there as well.
Magister’s Terrace on Isle of Quel Danas
Halls of reflection. Can’t wait to stand behind the wall again for 2/3 of the dungeon
That would, for sure, make the most popular m+ season ever.
Vanilla mythic + this is the expansion mark my words! I have a crystal ball
Shadowfang Keep, closely followed by Waycrest Manor - bit of a pattern there
Would like to see new ones, they have money
Halls of reflection
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