šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Happy Birthday!

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Happy Birthday :partying_face:

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Happy belated birthday! :slight_smile: :tada: :balloon:

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Got my fast riding speed on Classic :lizard:


Met a group through a community and managed to do several low lvl mythic + on my newly dinged shammy. Had lots of fun and got some gear aswell. :grinning: :heart_eyes:

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I just logged into my Dwarf Paladin parked on the camp spot for War-God Dokah outside Isle of Giants, and a Blood Elf Demon Hunter came by. I by habit consumed a [Elixir of Tongues], and he actually saw it. Then he started talking normally to me like we were on the same faction, and we got a nice time waiting.

He wasnā€™t even aware that something like Elixir of Tongues actually existed until then, but that didnā€™t stopped him from going on with the conversation despite the only way for me to react and make myself understood were to gesticulate with emotes.

And yes, when War-God Dokah spawned he was downed in seconds by us both, and he afterwards asked me if I got my tag. Nice guy.

Moral of the story: Always have a stack of [Elixir of Tongues] in your bag, it makes cross-faction communication so much easier for everyone!

By the way, [Elixir of Tongues] is an elixir sold by the Goblin Alchemist Fizzi Liverzapper in Legion Dalaran Underbelly, and consuming it lets you understand the opposite factionā€™s language for one hour.


today i found first proof/leaks that my long teory can be right afther all ā€¦
That it was Jailor what was betrayed that his not the bad guy ā€¦

I canā€™t wait to know how the story progress :slight_smile:

Huh, for some reason I thought they ā€˜brokeā€™ that elixir with BFAā€™s release. Good to know they didnā€™t :stuck_out_tongue:

If I remember correctly from how others have described it on the forum, this Elixir was Blizzardā€™s fix to their BfA prepatch (?) breaking role play addonsā€™ functions that made communication across factions possible. Although it had been in the game since vanilla, it was never made available to the players until then.


Finally got my https://www.wowhead.com/item=168370/rusted-keys-to-the-junkheap-drifter today!


Reached Exalted status with the Kyrian. Yay! :partying_face:


TBC Launch tonight, looking forward to playing with friends

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Enjoy, I still cannot see the draw of Classic but if others are having fun, then all is good.


There was an AV week-end and well everyone was beating on everyone just like I knew just like it used to be you understand ? ! Getting in queue for an AV and seeing more than 120 games available !!!

May the great hunt continue and our aim be true once again ! Tonight we cross the dark portal once again !!!

I soulstoned a Priest healer in LFR, to which he whispered ā€œtyā€. I replied ā€œanytimeā€ and he went: " You are one of the few in this game who is not negative"
We continued to talk for a while, and then went each our way.

It has been a long time since I have encountered some random cozy chat like that


i just got more datamined spoilers from 9.1.0 ptr i can analyse ā€¦ have something to do now for 1 week again :stuck_out_tongue:

I did a few scarlet monastery runs in Classic, and the teammates were kind enough to dump a bagload of silk on me. I couldnā€™t be happier with how much one needs to progress with tailoring. Kudos to any of the traders, if you read this. :pray:


There was those two people fighting on my realm in zangarmarsh why did they went to hands i will not know nor do i care, the only thing i do care is the alliance one asked for my help , to what i smoothly answered nooo ! :o with a smiley

I left him/her get slaughtered having a huge laugh behind the screen , it enlightened my mood for the day !