šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

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I got three mount drops in one day from Time Rift events. All those while I was simply farming for Paracausal Flakes to get trinkets for my alts.

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you wave at Zhantharion

you get ignored by Zhantharion


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I only just saw this today, so very grateful for the heads up. It was fun helping other players by passing and returning the orbs, and trying to clear thieving mobs.

Is the forge now permanently on ?

Not done all the other bits, (looks like tons to do) so hope I can get it done later at my own pace.

Tried out Comp Stomp for the first time as a few fellow forumers were saying how good it was and an AI ? battleground.

Really pleased to get a few Marks of Honor for some older transmog as I am too slow to do proper expert pvp.

*Windows XP Error Sound *

Man, this is awkward


They extended it so more players can get it but not indefinitely.

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Got my Mammoth from the Dreamsurge Events today

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Also twitter seems to work again on the forums :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Seeing a long-ago poster return in the forum.

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Today I was trying to do the 5 TW runs on my Orc Warlock, after completing 5 TW runs on my Tauren blood DK.
As usual it took more time to get groups, when compared to the characters that can Heal, Tank or both. I only managed to get 4 done and I still have my Goblin Rogue waiting for his turn.

I used the time I was in queue to do other things, like, cleaning preparing lunch, eating.

Itā€™s amazing the amount of stuff you can get done, while you wait in queue.



Today I started SS in this monk as WW, I got Rival I in more or less five hours.
Though, I think that I have to get better at WW; itā€™s a really fun spec.


Iā€™m finally done with all 125 TW runs on my 25 characters :weary:
I also got:

When I was doing the 5 runs on my 1st BE DH, yesterday :partying_face:

I can finally, rest :sleeping:



The fact that the new red skins for manā€™ari eredar come with a thematically fitting change to their racial ability. I hadnā€™t thought about it before today, but itā€™s a small, nice change.


Also: the Demons will take our job!!!
It was nice to see a manā€™ari showed up, tho in hoodie, on the Exodar as a trainer


Had to make ten potions (each craft is usually five pots)


Nekid womon!

The vital bits are covered!

Finally dinged the 20th renown with the mole people :unamused:
Only one thing remained to go to that trice cursed underground place: the Rocks on Rocks recipe from Brullo the Strong :confounded: