šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 1)

does people serve these sandwitch cakes in england too or is it more scandinavian thing? theres always few every weddings and birthdays and just about every occasion with gathering

some say its ā€œcold bakingā€ when theres no owen used when its just piled bread with something stuffed between and covered in french cream :sweat_smile:

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Make it stop!

I have never heard of them before. Fascinating

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also whats up with other countries not eating any rye breads hardly at all?

always the same where ever you go, fins start wonder where is the rye bread when all other countries serve is toast or those baguette style white breads. We almost entirely consume only rye bread here daily

On the behalf of entire world could i have an answer, why no rye bread :smiley:

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i see alot of delicious food in this thread

these pictures puny posts, build up the hunger have to make something, the food pic posting got me :eyes:


There exists so many delicious things in the world.

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thats true
seems like i cannot share any pics or links.

You cant ruin eggs from me gnomie! My eggs are boiled or scrambled and fried and they are yummy!


Must admit I am more partial to a poached egg, on toast with some smoked bacon :yum:


oh yes this sounds good :slight_smile:

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Fixed it for ya :wink:

I canā€™t eat baked beansā€¦

I was traumatized by them as a child because my ā€œstep-motherā€ was a terrible cook and would cook them into a mush. Even the smell of them makes me :face_vomiting:

Actually, you ruined it :frowning:

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fried egg, tomato sauce baked beans, sausage, bacon and toast on one plate. cant picture anything more british :smiley:

:beans: :bread: :egg: :bacon: :uk:

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Iā€™m not a big fan of baked beans myself. I rarely ever eat them. Seems to be a staple for some.

I do eat it sometimes, it goes better with certain things imo. But the bulk of the bread I eat is white.

Definitely donā€™t follow me on insta, thatā€™s mostly just food pics :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

We did it!
We invetedā€¦ the lizard


looks like a aug lizard with somekind of homemade exoskeleton from cola bottles, on its way to its 2.4

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