šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 1)

Roscoe, bunny, geddit!


Run rabbit, run rabbit, run run run!


Next on street shouting scotland forever :smile:

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Awesome bunny ears :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Is WoW offline? Canā€™t login apparently

Iā€™m logged in still but battle.net desktop app isnā€™t working/loading anything. Just displays ā€œOops something went wrongā€ on every page. Also getting weird forum lag.

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All servers are under heavy load


Not being able to go home for a day due to snowy conditions is a bit annoying. But even more annoying is only having internet on phone since I didnā€™t bring the craptop. Been able to play a lot on the Switch though, so at least thereā€™s that. Now if only I could play Warcraft 2 on it.

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I just tried to log into Diablo IV and it times out telling me I donā€™t have a valid Diablo license so Iā€™m guessing itā€™s a battlenet issue and not just wow.

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Is it still down? Was about to log on.

Edit: that would be a yes. :frowning:

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Looks like another day of not missed much from this season, I was watching the new series 3 body problem and vacuumed apartment. Havent tried to play yet :smiley:


Watching a show about all thr things you can do with an air fryer with my nan and grandad. Nice to be social for a change, saying that, did judt get back from the pub.

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I could log in



Tomorrow coming here according weather cast, snow for entire day, heading tomorrow for walkabout somewhere with snacks and tarp as shelter to witness the blizzard somewhere, it should be the last day of winter this time for real! Got blueberry chocolate and meat pocket and pasta carbonara :smiley:

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My fren just told me its back!!! The world hasnā€™t ended, yippeee!!!

I have 90 minutes tonight to play this game - ive spent the last 50 minutes trying to get in. Can guarantee the payment servers are fully functional thoughā€¦

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Itā€™s probably the same snow front moving across Scandinavia.