🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)

I like dark everything.
Best time of the year is when it’s already night time at 5 PM.


Good day - thanks to this thread I have now ordered an Oodie as an xmas present for wife. It has cats on it.
Yep, I start xmas shopping in October :slight_smile:


I hope she likes it!!!


I’ll drop hints, maybe she’ll buy me one too :slight_smile:

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Hey y’all! It’s a rainy day (and many others will come apparently) :cloud_with_rain:

You’re not the only one! I already bought a couple of decorations too. :sweat_smile:


I’m like the Grinch. I don’t do Christmas in my house but I have no objection to those who do. I do think people start too early these days, decorating their house too early etc.


Shops that start stocking christmas stuff in september boil my wee!

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I cant wait to wack on my Warhammer 40k Sisters of battle Xmas jumper!

And turkey, give me all the turkey! Boxing day sandwiches FTW.

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Boxing day is cold gammon, mash and pickles for me - and cheese and biscuits for afters :slight_smile:

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Excellent, We can all come to Porenn’s on boxing day for some of that gammon.

It best be cooked in coca cola as god intended.


I do too, but through necessity. There are a lot of family birthdays in November so I have to buy for the birthdays and Christmas side by side so no-one gets the same things.
I hate the shops having Christmas decorations & food so early and never put up my own decorations/tree until Christmas Eve.

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Yeah me too. I bought the stuff from an internet shop and stored them for later. I liked them so much and would have bought them anyway, did it now so I’m sure they don’t arrive late lol.

This year my local stores seem to wait for Christmas stuff, there’s hardly any Halloween stuff out too, has it gone out of fashion? :eyes:

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You have to feel for anyone who works in Retail and has to listen to Xmas music for MONTHS!


I used to work in retail when I was in my late teens and I loved it when the Xmas songs were on for months haha. It was the music for the rest of the year that bored the life out of me.

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Thank you :pray:


Is there any other way to cook it? :wink:

my wife’s birthday is 2 days after Christmas, so I start early to allow time for inspiration to strike!


I saw a meme on instagram saying something along the lines of …

"Its ridiculous fireworks are being left off before halloween, my poor dog is hiding under the Christmas tree " made me chuckle.

I to prep for xmas early and I dont mind seeing xmas stuff in the stores, I like xmas. I have a little tradition. Dec 1st the xmas decs get put up, and coming down on 26th or 27th of dec. During that time its nothing but xmas songs and movies, once the decs are down its back to normal :slight_smile:

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My wife insists on the xmas movie channel in december, it’s torture :slight_smile:
Our Decs go up mid December and we have a tradition of taking them down on New Years Day

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We made a list of movies we like to watch and use a random number generator to see which one comes up, whatever it is we watch it. If we discover new movies we add to the list.