šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 2)

Oof, my condolences. I feel the pain, this is huge ammount hassle. Hopefully you copyed some wow folders so you dont need to do too much work after setup windows and all.

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Nope I didnā€™t :joy: Iā€™ve made a backup only of screenshots and screencastsā€¦ but itā€™s ok. My pc needed a deep cleaning anyway

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On the plus side, it will run so smoothly when you get it all set up.

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If you have a family member/friend who has WoW installed on their computer, you can just directly copy it over and it is a lot faster :slight_smile:

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Unfortunately Iā€™m the only one that I know of IRL that plays WoW :sweat_smile: in my circle of friends and family, that is

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Hmm, you didnt recently try to install their latest ā€œupdateā€ did you, a lot of peopleā€™s pcā€™s have been bricking according to the wurb

Im other news, I having a glorious fight with a sovereign citizen on youtube who took offence when he posted a video of his car being towed because he didnt have insurance or correct details and I commented

ā€œClever criminals dont get caught.ā€
ā€œStupid criminals get caught.ā€
ā€œVery stupid criminals get caught and post it onlineā€


Some even film themselves for tiktok with minor crimes as going into private property or disturbing home peace or similar. If any of them ends up getting record its entirely their own fault when they especially filmed the evidence themselves. But for their defense theyre not trying to gain anything theyre just being very silly. :joy:


Is there less on this seasons trading post compared to previous, I see only one on returning section example. The deep diver suits from standard section looks good anyway. The stave familiar from karazhan also looks fun, Riptide staff.

Like all those geniuses storming the capitol january 6.

If you mean windows, no, unless it auto updated. I always try to avoid those as most of the times they break something, I usually wait a few months before updating.

No, I think itā€™s just my computer sabotaging itself - as it has this problem from years where it randomly restarts with a BSOD, due to a hardware failure that, despite repairing it several times, Iā€™ve never been able to spot clearly (this is also THE main reason why I stopped doing m+ and raids, btw). This morning the restart was particularly rough, and after turning back on, several files in system32 were corrupted. I managed to launch a system restore before the damage was too extended.

Surprisingly enough, I only have 27GBs of download left now, so itā€™s not going to take much longer. And up until now, it hasnā€™t restarted yet, so maybe itā€™s doing well (itā€™s already happened in the past, it will eventually resume restarting with BSODs, but after a restore itā€™s usually less common, not for long though).

True crime docu-dramas kind of lost their flair and mystique after the advent of smartphones and social media.
Itā€™s not exactly a zodiac type mystery when the perpetrator is found the next morning because 5 different cellphone towers pinged his phone and he used google maps during his drive there.
At the location he also messaged his friend and took a selfie with geolocation on.
It was confirmed to be him in the photo because he also livestreamed the entire thing on facebook. They found him at home because he logged in to his own wifi and made youtube shorts about the crime and answered comments on his stream.

Not exactly popcorn worthy.

That was not on my bingo card ^^

I only know what I saw from that series manhunt of unabomber dude who lived in some shed without electricity in woods and didnt use cellphone or internet. Terrible way of living not being able to play wow. :joy:


Maybe itā€™s for the best.
I imagine heā€™d have a gripe or two about wow ^^

It was good show otherwise except those bomb deliveries. I didnt like him sending those. :joy:

Into the wild guy also based on real life from the film on another minimalistic approach to living didnt atleast harm nobody he just exited hamster wheel and wandered to wilderness to live from his wits and no bombs were involved. :joy:

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Time for some frogs.

Something beautiful and romantic about the idea of just leaving everything behind and living the nomadic lifestyle.
Should probably prepare a little bit more than Chris did though, especially if youā€™re doing it in alaska. :sweat_smile:

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Could say the film was also about the travel there. There were so much between the destination to Alaska :smiley:

Starney! I challenge yoooou!
From a recent conversation with Alysea, we need to fill this thread with pictures of mouthwatering food.
Youā€™ll probably win the first one: The most yummy looking continental breakfast!
p.s. anyone join please :dracthyr_heart:


Smallest dog in the world.