🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

After 52 unjust vacations ive had , thats just the ones i can actually account for right now , there is more.

It shows people are a product of their own ignorance

Thanks :blush: my point still stands though, its not gear holding me back from being better, its my skill. I just cba learning the optimal playstyle and so on. I just play to have fun with my friends and we’re all somewhat at the same level so we go as far as we manage in a season and then we just mock around on some alts towards the end :smile: i could never be a CE raider as an example, later bosses in a raid is just too complicated and complex for someone like me who just wings it and play the way i like and not how you’re «supposed» to.


But …why did it take me after all this time? To finally post on your main and gameplay characters you know?

The guys who dislike you… Dont like me very much either… xD but… Why hide away? On a vulpera that you said was a race you hated…

or youre just not the victim you pretend to be? just a thought

focus on me xD foget this dude… Furae has a dwarf character too. he replied too me on before… Now his a classic old undead? Forget about him.

Just these guys seems too have a deep despite for you… And what really happen? Ive always only heard and seen their side of the story.

Its like ancient AD general discussuions lore I never saw. What happen?


I mean yeah… sure… we all want that. But what the hell happen? They wont let him go ever…

What kind of super satan can he possibly have been?

I haven’t played so much, don’t fancy most of the mogs and mounts so not in a big rush :smile:

This is the forums, its a horrible place where people lie and hold grudges, troll and bait and do all they can to get some attention. I dont know what happened, but i do know that if you’ve gotten people against you they will most likely stay against you. Best thing to do is ignore it and dont let it get to you. Trolls love the attention. So keeping this topic up is just feeding that. But maybe you also like to troll a little and make drama since you keep harping on it? Then be my guest. Im sure twiggz can contact you via ingame mail or you can exchange discord/battlenet if its so important to know what happened. Doesnt seem like twiggz wants to talk abt it though. So maybe just let it go? Dont really know what you think going on about it will lead to?

Ok now im done with this topic for real :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Just let this thread die at this point. I’m certainly now done with it.

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It didnt take you.

I posted on this char long before you however…

The troll like i can tell you how it began.

Beefyclown made a mistake of standing up for me on the old do not delete thread.

He claimed i wasent evil that i was actually good willed.

The dame people who still troll me and other till this day took offence to that and started mass flagging him.

So beefy the forum genius he was started communicating with me through likes to tell me he had been banned and couldnt reply.

Things got bitter between those trolls and beefy so imo, a bit of speculation here beefy started making troll alts and started liking people with them clones to annoy them.

At the time i was getting this same abuse i get now, i was suffering ban after ban at the hands of these trolls, that they started planting a storythat i was the one making alts clones to like people.

Which peoe stupidly believed till this day.

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You’re speedier then me! Im level 62 :smile:

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Anyyyyway… Thank you for the honest reply Sinaaki as always o7 I don’t know what to think at this point honestly.

Maybe not think so much about it, clone trolling has been a thing for years. Idk how many retributor clones there were at some point during BFA, it was insane.

The pandas do say to slow down, life is to be savored!

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Wise pandas!

Also giphy makes you watch adds now?? Ugh

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You know i wouldnt be surprised ifpeople start saying that i am also Skullfox and i made two accounts just to spam this thread with one intention to derail it and get it closed lol.

People need to leave me out of whatever trollish passtimes goes on on this forum, i have no hand in it.

I adore the chaos that is pandas!


They are so cute and clumsy :smile: