šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 2)

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Have to agree here, It seems the thread became more filled with trolling than real posters.

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Trolling? We are both asking for your judgement if anything.

My cats are elderly now, not enjoying the ā€˜accidentsā€™ but they arenā€™t destroying any furniture or anything so I guess thatā€™s a bonus :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Worked out the other day they are 17 years old.

I donā€™t think trolling is happening hereā€¦ But Alythena. Your judgement is severeā€¦ So is mineā€¦ Like we are condemning a poster here or not? It is pretty severe and seriousā€¦ I hope you understand the ramifications of what it is weā€™re doing hereā€¦

In all my years postingā€¦ ive never seen a poster held up to trial as much as twiggs is now.

My take on that response was.

A random person made a alt to proclaim their own power over people in this thread, hence my response .

I will say it took someone to clone them personly for then to suddenly be offended, they seemd perfectly fine with it when it was happening to me the past months.

I wouldnt worry to much if they do ignore you based on that.

Oh thats quite old yeah! Think mine just turned 4 or 5, dont remember if we got her in 2019 or 2020.

Edit: she is 4 years old :blush:

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Why did you avoid posting on your real characters until today though? Everybody believes your the alt posters nowā€¦ Literally anyone can make up anything. And they would believe it. Cause you hid away for so longā€¦

Cat disapproves of human touching its belly

Real twiggs xD is this some guys just out too make you look bad? Or was this really you?

I explained that earlier in this conversation read back.

I stayed on twiggz hoping to get others to ban the trolls once the got tired of it continuing to happen

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A kitten who could

Wha wha wha catā€¦

And yes though i didnt actually physically punch a hole in a metal door.

I was using the term ā€œpunched a hole inā€

As terminology to give a impression of how hard i did infact hit the door.

Something these trolls seem to lack basic knowledge of when it comes to use of language.

No different to someone saying ā€œid knock his head offā€ when referring to fighting someone.

They wouldnt physically knock their head off their shoulders but give it a good go.

Iā€™m so glad I got out of all the forum drama. It feelsā€¦ refreshing! :sparkles:


Its refreshing right? :laughing:

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I like all druid posts please dont hold it against me.

Some people dont get that option as much as id love it too.

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Did i go round in game mailing people starting conspiracy that im the secret alt clone flaggerā€¦

The drama goes on even when i do nothing.

I dont appreciate being dragged into that nonsense btw.

Not really what i want to see when i come to the forums my name getting flasely dragged in dirt.

The only forum mail I got was from Wolfy lol. Iā€¦ kinda miss him. :wolf:

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