Eeeew cheese
I only like melted cheese and very mild cheeses so I can understand. Not sure what else they have there though, depressingly ignorant on the marvels of Amsterdam.
I dont know either but we’re going on a guided biking trip on saturday so i guess i’ll find out!
Ooft. Hope you bike regularly then! Used to love it as a kid. Hope for pictures
I havent biked in years! Luckily amsterdam is flat
Oh dear. Don’t skip leg day
Will probably be fine, dont imagine its gonna be a very speedy biking tour
Speaking of which im so glad that its 27C and everyone has found cycling again and asking me to fix their bikes with whatever issues on them. Just changed inner tubes to yet another cycle in their 30C apartment buildings basement and Im done with everything for rest of day, we need siesta in Finland aswell. If ppl open the food pictures the links read tripadvisor but they do looked yummy whose ever they are
Weather cast show 29C from tomorrow till tuesday, its going to be scorching heat in here to what it normally is.
(omg I was obsessed with this show back then - Tesla you will know lol)
Ciao bella
Thread needs cats, all druids are gods.
More reasons to love cats. Having them around is like having a tiny lion.
I would die im not a big fan of heat, prefer it to not be above 20 tbh
Same, its just awful. Ordered better A/C hopefully it can keep this apartment somewhere 25 atleast. It aint even summer yet, theres still the peak heatwaves to come.
Why doesn’t the world come with a remote for the temperature…
Best way to generate good AI content for the forums.
Example video “Caturday Celebrations: Purr-fect Moments with Our Feline Friends!”
I wish we had some summery weather. Just grey and miserable atm
Here as well (as the whole last month really), and I will be riding all day Saturday and Sunday. I will pray the God of rain to have mercy of me.
We have had about a week of just pure sunshine so far…
Supposed to be mostly sunny for the next few days aswell apparently.
I love rain, but it is getting a bit much now, so much rain since February.
Last year from about a entire month back i sat outside on my breaks in the sunshine.
This year i have to continue sitting in the breakroom like its winter.
One plus side to this is i have only used 2 days of my work holiday so far.
So i got longer holidays to take for the rest of the year now
This year is also going by very quickly, its june already :O…
I got a 6 month warning at work which felt like 2 weeks ago but it runs out in 6 weeks time.
Time is going so quickly.