Thank you Puny, this is for all the trading post haters.
But is summer ready for you?
Heck yee brother, high five!
And the north remembers… the very first time we laid our eyes on Gucci Summer collection
and they all agree on one thing, Gucci is the ultimate fashion choice
I was trolled by the tortoise. The mount move slower than normal ground mount speed.
Probably goes fast in water?
Yes. It has increased swim speed. But the exclusively water mounts are faster and the ottuks are also better choices because they have full ground speed. In fact the ottuks are the best non-flying mounts.
They also sound like they are cute, i dont have those. Didnt get the turtle mount but the goblin glider thing i bought.
Yeah just found this from wowhead:
On land, turtle mount moves at normal character running / walk speed.
In water, swim speed increased to 100%.
Also like the tooltip say:
It may be slow, but it gets you off your feet!
So theres that
Why hasn’t my picture updated yet
Anything to make my gnome appear taller, its the old man and lambo effect.
Was gonna reply to your mail btw, but seems like the char was deleted?
Hi, I only play on raven and draenor for the moment. Have alliance and horde divided on these two server. Come chat me there sometime if you want.
Turtle mounts can be used on the Wandering Isle, they’re the only mounts that can be.
but the colorful chair. is nice!
btw hello there!
Hi tesla!
Hello there!
General Teslobi!
ah… the negotiator!