šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 4)

Or even better, we talk about who it is in Discord and laugh at the three mile wide paper trail and enjoy the theories they dream up and bombard other people with. Did you know Im an evil flirter who wants to get every female poster on this forum I talk to into some kind of relationship? It would be somewhat amazing and a huge boost to my ego. Its just a pity I would walk right past them in the street without a second glance, never mind I couldnā€™t even tell you the first letter of their name.

Also as a married man its pretty offensive.

Already theyā€™re doing it.

Laying a trail so wide and clear a 747 could use it as a landing strip in heavy fog.


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Receipts!! We have the receipts!! :raised_hands:

The thread used to have more trafic and more people posting on it. But theres been alot drama and peoples personal disputes bringing the general atmosphere of it down from the any casual or friendly banter it should be or what its here for.

I joined on the thread later on myself some years ago and I noticed there were some personal disputes between some regulars mainly between two or three people against some and people stirring constant drama related it, many from the old regulars have left since and I can see its still years later same two who stir drama or make personal disputes with other posters as their business to make us all read here.

It should be best to remember the forum is still about this blizzards video game and not any peoples personal living room or any other private space either for them to launder private personal disputes they would have with other people of the forum. Its a common theme that keeps occuring on the thread from same two people having personal issues with other forum users and making a public display out of it.


What we need is a coffee/tea break and some cupcakes



2nd top left is mine.


Want a fight about it?? Iā€™ll mud wrestle my own mum to get that one.

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I challenge you right now to find the word I used that would be instantly bannable by anyone who posted it on the forum.

Happy Caturday all


I feel exhausted and the only thing I did was go out to eat today.



Really needs fixed, should only apply to feral.

Or we could all move on

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Well in other news.
Today Iā€™ve learned that if you use the same type of refillable bottle for both grenadine and balsamic vinaigrette, it is impossible to tell them apart if someone places them both in the bar cabinet.

And possibly related :dracthyr_hehe_animated:
Iā€™ve also learned that a balsamic vinaigrette cosmopolitanā€¦
Isnā€™t as bad as one might think.
Itā€™s not good.
But itā€™s not immediate expulsion bad either.
Could be on to something here.


Youā€™ve invented a new drink!!!


In other news, Iā€™m over it and am now moving on

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But surely as a mechagnome, the acetic acid would do you some kind of damageā€¦


Likely true, we were also considering with him somewhere earlier the matter how isopropyl alcohol with 90% alcohol is used to clean circuits and so on if it would be something which mechagnomes also use and if it has some intoxicating effect. I use it to remove thermal paste from cpu chips myself :robot:


I get the isopropyl from my chemist

Shame the blizz services sale for race change has ended, would been match made in gnomeregan to have free supply as mechagnome :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Ah sweet! I must think of some catchy name for it :thinking:

Iā€™m hoping itā€™s good at rust removal like citrus juice ^^

My circuits must be spotless then :dracthyr_crylaugh:


I remember the conversations conclusion were something of such :sweat_smile:


How about Frizzleā€™s FenderBender???