Good. Im also thinking at what point I should get rid of my current if ever. Those weird huge tablets middle of new electric cars centre console remind from work collegues from way back, who bring laptop to their truck and watch some woody woodpecker cartoons from it while they drive
MIne is still petrol -i wouldn’t drive an electric car if i was paid for it . New ones are a pain to get used to, especially automatic handbrakes (they apply automatically as soon as you stop and shove vehicle in neutral) but unfortunately they are they way forward
Yeah Im not getting electric ever either, not gonna do the hassle with loading or replacing batteries. Automatic handbrake sounds strange too aye, I wonder if there is setting to disable it, or remove fuse that control it, aslong it dont also disable the whole handbrake
It screws the whole thing up if you try to mess with it - all ya need to do is stop, go into neutral and put yer foot on the brakes - then soon as you put your foot down the handbrake is off
I googled of it. All I found seems to have some setting to turn it on/off, no need to go remove fuses atleast if you want to get rid of it one day
You can’t do handbreak turns and revving if you have an electric car
Spot the girl racer lol - although you can in ice cars (revving that is)
How do you know what I do before change winter tires, are you spying on me
she even knows what colour undies you are wearing…
Oh well, its nice. Never alone if know some is always watching
LIve footage of Aly getting out of his driveway this morning…
Thats how we make scrambled eggs
And good that you two got the new car which you mentioned some time ago. Less hassle with repairs on old and all, Im sure its good.
Big pink bloomers with kimi’s face on them ahahaha.
You wish
Less talk of your undies lol I feel i must elaborate here - i meant the Kimmi Raikonnen reference
Oh there is no question about it that sienes walls are decorated with kimis posters, all the mentions about räikkönen is reflecting at this point. Affectionally called as “iceman” cause the emotional scale he expresses even when meeting some like nicole kidman, he is like the steven seagul of winland
Its catchy tune, also the charlie the unicorn clip is funny its from wowhead
I’ve never understood why cars haven’t had automatic handbrake before.
We run plant machinery - rollers have a push button handbrake on the dash, and our big telehandlers all have automatic handbrakes