🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 4)

Every creator seems to be pushing these “new class leaks” now.

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Best quest?

Remember to get your Half-Eaten Mouse. A gift for someone of the highest esteem. You need a Deluxe Tuna to buy one. The blessed currency of the most cultured cats.

God what a hassle with the authenticator if you ever change phones, absolute nightmare. You just get stuck in limbo. Thank god I found support page to disable authenticator outside from account. I was about to scream :face_vomiting: :face_with_spiral_eyes:

If anyone ever happen get in same situation go this page in support and select remove authenticator, then log on bnet app on your new phone and select enable authenticator. Then its set on new device.

I read people had got stuck for weeks contacting to provide all sort of details for proof, all cause they changed some device authenticator was on, I dont know if this is newly added feature in support to disable it outside of your account but its a godsend and the hassle of try that via tickets alone would be nightmare. Im so stressed I might just see nightmares of login attempts tonight :rofl:

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A real pain and not just blizzard. Nearly every account I have, now has one.

Blizzard Finally Admit They Got M+ Wrong.

Some nice changes incoming.

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New classes??!?!! What are they?

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Wishlists for tinker, bard and necromancer"

Aye, they are all just speculating from some survey. Every creator were pushing their content of “new class leaks” in yt yday. Could be sub classes or borrowed powers hero talent things :dracthyr_shrug:

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Cats Vs Christmas Trees :sweat_smile:

There are seasonal stuff like :
-People being bitten after beheading snake in the sun belt
-People loosing hands during new year celebrations
-Videos aboot necromancers and tinkers classes during .3 patches

You glorious piece of toast…

A necromancer class would be awesome. You could bring mobs back to life to help you in a dungeon.


Hope all good Sunday. Were cold day -8C. Went see relatives visiting Finland that havent seen in years. Spent day in town and Christmas market and went for lunch and had lots of hot drinks along day. :sweat_smile:

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I hate all this type designs as in pvp when things are dead its already over, so none of them is of no use when you would need it. Its like having exp buff as racial still at max level like trolls used to have :smiley:

But I would also like some of these “leaked new classes” whatever they end up be. Tinkerer, Necromancer, Witch, Gunslinger all sound really swell to me :clap:

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I can’t see them making a necromancer unless theu destroy Unholy DK. Which they’re doing anyway so…

And as for this “survey”

I haven’t been asked to fill one in.

Or does a handful of streamers speak for the whole community now, just like a handful of people screaming for “snekmen” (oh dear god…) somehow means everyone wants a Sethrak Allied Race.

I mean, despite saying “aboot”, I’d set my eyes on the sun belt (Not Alabama lul), since it’s not snowing 4 months a year there !

I’m actually glad it’s not snowing here, the poor postman keeps struggling to my house with his overflowing satchel of Christmas cards. Of course they’re all from Vizi, and only 56% of them have to be burned to protect public decency.


I’m Cold Cat Song - Singing Cat Catchy Tune

I get taken out once a week, it’s more like ‘girl dinner’ the rest of the time.

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Apparently you are well known in The Ritz. :stuck_out_tongue:


I would absolutely love to have Afternoon Tea at the Ritz :dracthyr_love_animated:

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