[🕯️The Forgotten Shadows 🕯️] - Seeking kindred spirits to join us

Hail there, Merry Meet and Praised Be,
I am Elisa Day, a Forsaken at heart, and I write to you today with a vision close to my unbeating heart. Over the years, I have longed for a space where the rich themes of the Forgotten Shadows, the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and the undead legacy could flourish—a sanctuary for those who walk the balance between Light and Shadow.

And so, I am reshaping my old guild, The Forgotten Shadows, into not just a guild but a little community—a place where like-minded roleplayers can gather, share stories, and bring the world of the Forsaken and their allies to life.

:candle: About Us:

The Forgotten Shadows is a group of roleplayers who enjoy weaving tales of redemption, survival, and the balance of Light and Shadow. It’s a space where all are welcome—Forsaken or not—to share their characters, ideas, and creativity.

Followers of the Forgotten Shadows often keep their practices discreet. Though the cult was founded by the Forsaken, it has grown in recent years to welcome non-Forsaken and even non-Horde members. We believe the teachings of Shadow transcend faction boundaries, making this cult a home for all who embrace its mysteries.

:scroll: Core Values:

At The Forgotten Shadows, we hold true to a few simple principles:

  • Respect for All: Embrace diversity and be kind to others.
  • Focus on Roleplay: Keep the storytelling vibrant and free from distractions like real-world politics.
  • Creative Collaboration: Celebrate and respect the work others put into their characters, stories, and art.
  • Separation of IC and OOC: Ensure in-character conflicts remain part of the story and handle out-of-character matters with care.

These guidelines ensure our community remains a safe, inspiring haven for creativity.

:crescent_moon: Why Join Us?

We believe roleplay is more than just a game mechanic; it’s a shared experience that binds us. Whether you’re new to roleplaying or a seasoned veteran, this is a space to create something truly special together. Explore the mysteries of Light and Shadow, delve into the legacy of Lordaeron, and walk the path of the Forsaken.

:performing_arts: Who We Are Looking For:

  • Roleplayers of all experience levels.
  • Lore enthusiasts eager to explore Forsaken themes.
  • Creators passionate about building and enriching the RP community.

:scroll: How to Join:

Click the link below to join the community. Upon joining, you’ll answer a few fun pre-join questions to help us match you with your ideal role and activities.

[Click here to join our Discord.]

If this sounds like your cup of tea, I’d love for you to join us. And if you’re interested in helping me shape this community, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

:milky_way: “Even in the darkest shadows, stories bloom.” :milky_way:


Oh man!! This looks SERIOUSLY awesome and I cannot endorse it more!! More than likely I will pop my head in :skull:

Embrace the Shadow…


You love seeing it. Hope to bump into your enlightened (darkened?) adherents!


Thank you both for your kind words and enthusiasm—it truly means a lot! I’d be thrilled to see you join us, even if it’s just to pop your head in (figuratively or literally—Forsaken humor never gets old, right? :wink: ).

Embrace the Shadow, for it always welcomes its own.

To address a broader point for anyone interested: yes, the Discord community will be cross-faction. While our primary focus lies on Forsaken themes—exploring the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the cultural depth of the Forsaken as a people, and the teachings of the Forgotten Shadows—we also extend our welcome to shadow priests, void elves, cultists, and other occult-flavored characters, and others who embody dark and mysterious narratives.

  • Members of both Horde and Alliance factions are invited to participate as long as their character concepts align with our community themes and narrative objectives. The Shadow, and after all, transcends mortal divisions and serves as a unifying force for those who seek its mysteries.

If you have any questions or want to learn more about how you or your character might fit within the community, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’ll do my best to assist you and ensure your transition into our stories is seamless and rewarding.

Shadows watch over you.


They call me the Wild Rose.

How does your guild view Man’ari characters? I love the idea and concept, but my priest is not… quite Lordaeranian. She is, however, exceedingly shadowy and veily.


Heya Piranesi :rose:
Thank you for bringing such a fascinating question to the table—it’s clear that your priest’s concept is rich with potential and therefore very suitable to join our community. We’ve had an in-depth discussion among the officer team about how Man’ari characters might fit into the Forgotten Shadows, and while there are some varying opinions, here’s the general stance we’ve arrived at: The Forgotten Shadows is rooted in Lordaeronian traditions, sure, but we’re not boxed in by them. What really matters to us are the philosophies we uphold—balance, pragmatism, and finding enlightenment in the darker paths. We’ve always been about exploring shadowy ideas and welcoming characters who bring new layers to that journey.

So, Man’ari… what a topic, right? :slight_smile:
They’re a tricky one. On the one hand, there’s definitely some exciting potential there, but on the other, we’ve got some challenges that can’t be ignored. Let’s break it down.

First up, the challenges.

  • Man’ari stand out—a lot. I mean, you’ve got this big, red, demonic presence walking into the room. Subtlety? Out the window. It’s hard to keep the focus on our Forsaken and Shadow themes when the spotlight inevitably gets pulled toward them.

  • Then there’s the perception. Sure, we’re shadowy, pragmatic, and we deal in the darker philosophies of balance. But bringing Man’ari into the fold could make the guild feel more like a group of “dark and evil” characters rather than what we truly are—a faction grounded in Forsaken experiences and Shadow teachings.

  • And we can’t forget the lore conflicts. The Man’ari’s history is… well, it’s messy. They were part of the Burning Legion, and they’ve got a direct connection to some of the worst tragedies that befell Azeroth, including the destruction of Lordaeron. That kind of baggage doesn’t exactly scream “perfect fit” for a Forsaken-centric group.

But—and it’s a big but—there’s also opportunity.

  • Think about it. A Man’ari priest who’s completely turned their back on the Light, embraced the Shadow, and maybe even carries some of that guilt or defiance? That could be fascinating. If the story is crafted carefully and fits with our core philosophies, there’s real potential for something unique.

So where do we land? Well, full inclusion? Probably not. It doesn’t vibe with the tone we’ve built here. But rare exceptions? Absolutely. If it’s well-crafted, aligns with the guild’s identity, and doesn’t overshadow our themes, we could make room for something special.

Honestly, your priest truely already sounds amazing—shadowy, veily, <3 and layered with depth. If she truly respects the tenets of the Forgotten Shadows, I think there’s a lot of potential to explore her story further. and she would be more then welcome in the Shadow’s smoothing embrace.


:candle: The Forgotten Shadows :candle: - Help Us Prepare for Our First Gathering!

Hail there, Merry Meet, and Praised Be,

As the final hours of 2024 approach, we stand on the threshold of a new year—a time for reflection, rebirth, and renewed purpose in the Shadow’s embrace.

With the coming of 2025, The Forgotten Shadows is thrilled to announce our plans for a first in-character gathering in Deathknell! While the exact date is yet to be decided, the preparations are already underway, and we’re excited to share that we’ve gathered a dedicated team of officers to help lead this community.

Each of our officers brings their own unique flavor to the table, driven by passion and experience, with a shared vision of fostering a kind and welcoming environment for all. Together, we are committed to building a community where creativity thrives, stories are shared, and friendships are forged.

In the meantime, we invite you to join our Discord channel its a growing community for those who walk the path of Light and Shadow. Here, you can:

  • Share your character’s story and aspirations.
  • Help us brainstorm for the gathering.
  • Connect with other Forsaken and Shadow enthusiasts.

:link: Join our Discord here!

Before we part ways for now, let me wish you all a very happy and shadowed and save new year. May the truths of the Shadow guide your path, and may the Light falter before your wisdom and resolve. Together, let us make 2025 a year of growth, balance, and endless tales in the name of the Forgotten Shadows.

We look forward to meeting new members and friends soon. Let us walk in darkness together! :candle:

May the Shadows watch over you, always, be save.
(and a Happy New Year to you all!)


:fireworks: Happy New Year, 2025! :fireworks:
“The echoes of time flow onward, and the tides of fate turn anew.”

The Forgotten Shadows whispers its prayers for the new year. May the darkness guide your wisdom, and the light remain but a fleeting memory. This is the year we rise stronger, delve deeper into our stories, and expand our faith together.

As the bells of Lordaeron fall silent, only the hum of shadowed hymns lingers in the still air. We reflect upon the victories etched in bone and ash, and the trials that yet lie in the murk of tomorrow. This year, we will rise anew—undaunted, unbroken, and unfettered by the chains of the living.

:candle: Let This Be the Year We:

  • Expand Our Shadows: New storylines, alliances, and fractures to explore.
  • Strengthen the Faith: Dive deeper into the tenets of the Forgotten Shadows and bring them to life in our tales.
  • Face the Unknown: Prepare for adventures into territories unexplored, as the whispers of the unseen grow louder.

:crossed_swords: Keep your blades sharp, your tomes prepared, and your prayers devout—for the darkness is vast, and together, we shall thrive within it.

The Light falters, and the Shadows endure.

:skull: Shadows Watches Over You :skull:


So anyway. I’m in. Telling my Forsaken bros about it.


Blessed Day, Ayakku.

And a Happy New Year to you!
May the turning of the year bring renewed strength to your blades and purpose to your steps.

Your enthusiasm is as invigorating as the Shadow’s touch. I trust your Forsaken brethren will see the merit in this undertaking. After all, every new ally in our cause is a beacon amidst the consuming darkness…

Be most welcome to join us. <3
Shadows be with you.


:fireworks: Happy New Year, 2025! :fireworks:
“The echoes of time flow onward, and the tides of fate turn anew. Praised Be!”

As the bells of Lordaeron fall silent once more in the death of night, only the hum of shadowed hymns lingers in the still air. The Forgotten Shadows whispers its prayers for the year ahead. May the darkness guide your wisdom, and the light remain but a fleeting memory.

This is the year we rise stronger, delve deeper into our stories, and expand our faith together. We reflect upon victories etched in bone and ash, and the trials still hidden in the murk of tomorrow. United in shadow, we remain undaunted, unbroken, and unfettered by the chains of the living.

:candle: Let This Be the Year We:

  • Expand Our Shadows: New storylines, alliances, and fractures to explore.
  • Strengthen the Faith: Dive deeper into the tenets of the Forgotten Shadows and bring them to life in our tales.
  • Face the Unknown: Prepare for adventures into uncharted territories, as the whispers of the unseen grow louder.

:crossed_swords: Keep your blades sharp, your tomes ready, and your prayers devout—for the darkness is vast, and together, we shall thrive within it.

The Light falters, and the Shadows endure.

:skull: Shadows Watch Over You :skull:
:prayer_beads:And we pray for you to have a blessed year. :pray:


Good luck Ellie!

I hope you had a lovely New Year.

Love you, miss you! Mwah!


Expect to see me soon!


Greetings, Brothers and Sisters of the Shadow.

Join us and come dive deep into the mysteries of the Forgotten Shadows and exploring the rich lore of the Void, the Kingdom of Lordaeron and the Forsaken. With a focus on immersive storytelling, and community-driven events, We offers a unique place for those who enjoy the darker, spiritual aspects of Azeroth.

Following recent transitions within our officer team, we’re seeking for dedicated individuals to join us as officers and help lead the Community into its next chapter.

The ideal candidate would be:

  • Passionate about the Void and Forsaken lore and the Forgotten Shadows: Someone who can help enrich our themes and inspire others.
  • Creative and organized: Able to help plan and execute events, brainstorm ideas, and support members’ stories.
  • Collaborative and reliable: A team player who’s eager to build a strong, welcoming community.

What we offer:

  • A thriving and welcoming roleplay environment.
  • Opportunities to shape the guild’s story and events.
  • A team of like-minded players passionate about character development and creative storytelling.

If you’re interested in stepping into this role or have questions about the guild, feel free to message me here or in-game. We’re excited to hear your ideas and see how you can help us grow.

Shadows keep you safe


“The Shadow speaks to those willing to listen, its voice a whisper, its lessons veiled in obscurity. Join us beneath the moonlit canopy as we gather to explore the truths hidden in the void, to find strength in balance, and to embrace the darkness that dwells within us all.”

The Shadows Call: The death knell tolls again…

The Forgotten Shadows humbly invites you to a sacred sermon to be held on the 23rd day of the month of January, when the bell tolls eight times in the evening. The gathering will take place in Tirisfal Glades, where the veil between light and shadow is at its thinnest.

During this solemn hour, blessings shall be bestowed, the tenets of Shadow shall be illuminated, and the mysteries of the void shall be explored. All faithful—and those who wish to understand the call of the Shadow—are welcome to attend.

“As the bell tolls eight times in the evening, when shadows grow long and the night deepens, we shall gather…”

Come, and let the Shadow embrace you.

The Shadows Remember
See you in Tirisfal Glades.

OOC Information:

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Want to meet us a little more casually? We currently have officers ICly stationed at Hammerfall (ElisĂ ) and Deathknell (old version, myself) for open RP. Come find us!

Under his eye.


Blessed Day, and Praised Be. :pray:

It has been a few days since our first Shadow Sermon, and what an unforgettable evening it was. Together, we stepped into the embrace of the Shadow, shared words that resonated deeply, and wove bonds that transcended the moment. This was the first step in what we hope will be a long journey of shared discovery and connection.

I’m not really someone that posts on these forums but an exception is due.
When I joined about four days ago, I thought I had a general idea about this guild given this post but I was mistaken - in a positive way!

Everything is very thought out. The fantasy setting is spot on. Considering the amount of effort going into these events and the fact that it has a lovely atmosphere with a bunch of friendly and helpful people, I do recommend <3

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“Some truths are best whispered, yet others deserve to be spoken aloud.”

Thank you so much, It means a great deal to hear this. We create our stories in the dark, not merely for ourselves but for those who would step into the shadows beside us. :pray:

The path of the Forgotten is one of devotion, discovery, and shared purpose. That you have found something worthwhile within it—something worth sharing—is the highest praise we could hope for.

Welcome among us, and may the Shadow ever guide. :candle::purple_heart:

Praised Be

Blessed Day everyone, :pray:

In the depths of Undermine, beneath the weight of coin and corruption, the Shadow lingers—watching, waiting. The streets are thick with whispers, secrets traded like currency, and relics lost to time. The deeper you go, the more you see: the Light blinds, but the Shadow reveals.

If you feel the pull of the Shadow within you, know this—you are not alone. The Shadow has always been a part of you, patient and constant, touching your soul in ways only it can. When all else crumbles, the Shadow remains.

Now, more than ever, we seek those who listen—those who hear its call in the silence, who see beyond the greed and grasp for something greater.

Join us. Whether you are new to this path or have long walked in its embrace, there is a place for you here. The Shadow is not bound by kings or coin, by cartel or crown—it is eternal, enduring, and yours to claim.

:new_moon: The Path Ahead

Undermine is a city built on deception, where knowledge is hoarded like wealth and power is held in the hands of the few. But the Shadow does not answer to kings or moguls—it belongs to those who seek, who listen, who dare to step beyond the veil.

We stand at the edge of something great. The Gilded Hand worships a relic of greed, the Hand of Sadim, a curse bound in gold. Secrets stir beneath the city, and the deeper we dig, the closer we come to something long buried.

We are not just bystanders in this game. We are seekers of truth. We are those who walk unseen. We are the ones who remember.

:skull_and_crossbones: Who We Seek

  • Priests, scholars, and shadow-walkers—those who seek wisdom beyond what the Light allows.
  • Rogues, mercenaries, and forsaken souls who understand that power is not given—it is taken.
  • New initiates and experienced followers alike—for the Shadow welcomes all who listen.

:skull: What We Offer

  • A thriving roleplay community dedicated to immersive storytelling.
  • A journey through the hidden lore, forgotten relics, and forbidden truths of Undermine.
  • A place where you can explore your path freely, without judgment or restriction.

:scroll: How to Join:

Click the link below to join the community. Upon joining, you’ll answer a few fun pre-join questions to help us match you with your ideal role and activities.

[Click here to join our Discord.]

If this sounds like your cup of tea, I’d love for you to join us. And if you’re interested in helping me shape this community, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

:milky_way: “Even in the darkest shadows, stories bloom.” :milky_way:

Let this be your reminder: the Shadow is a part of you, as much as you are a part of it. Step forward, and embrace what was always yours.

With all my heart,
Elisa Day

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