😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Still not a wintery hearthstone ;(((
Tomorrow i think i wont have time to drag my alts there and another day wasted ;(

Well, myself today again:

“just let me get those nasty slimes before they pop

Oh, I died. Was not prepared for the damage they did.

 Mage tower

I did not get an Ancient Fishing Line from Slithon the Last today.

I’m tired of playing "Where is

Can’t find her anywhere, neither on my lvl 7 Tauren nor on the Troll class trial.

Well i just saw the MadSeason video and holy moly

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That was a good watch, It held my attention for the duration.

First sunday of the month and no darkmoon faire

Been farming Jeeves schematic from 1 week, still no luck

Are you sure you are farming the little gnomes in the right place?

If by that you mean these then yes

I can not remember it being so low in WOTLK i wish you good luck and hope it drops soon.


I’ve been progressing through the Chains of Domination campaign today. My progress has now been halted by the Eye of the Jailer on the very last quest before I finally poke that stupid eye out. Gah!

Another store mount

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Is there ? Can you link please.

Join a mists key.

Hunter tries to trap to skip.

Pack aggros.

Hunter leaves.


Oh! I just lost count of how many was released during this expansion.
Don’t worry, I will post and update to you soon

That’s why i always suggest invis pots instead of my trap and people are like of course we will invis
they dont trust the freezing trap mech :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I thought the winter veil will stay until reset
guess how big my disappointment was yesterday :sob:

The fact that the Darkmoon faire hasn’t showed up. I love getting those free profession points, but it hasn’t showed this weekend. And it’s not in calendar for all of 2022 :frowning: