10+ group of friends looking for guild on Pyrewood Village - Alliance

Our group of friends/old guildies dating back from Vanilla to MoP is looking for a nice guild to join on Pyrewood Village, Alliance side.

Right now there are approximately 10 of us who are looking to start playing again, but the number is growing as people come crawling out of the woodwork. Healers, Tanks, DPS, used to raiding together and just nice people (both ingame and IRL). Interested in doing dungeons and raids together, but not crazy hardcore, as we have kids/jobs now.

If you know the best guild for us, let me know!

Although we are on a PvP server, we think that our guild could be a good match for you. One of our aims is to provide wPvP support if you run in to trouble out in the world. My contact info is in the post

Hey Tamka!
i know you are looking for a guild on pyrewood but if you feel like giving Mirage Raceway a shot instead our guild would be pleased to have you. ^^
<Dopamine> Is now recruiting!

<Dopamine> is a semi-hardcore Alliance raiding guild on Mirage Raceway EU. Our goal is simply to clear all content in classic wow as quickly and cleanly as possible on a 2 day, weekend, 8hr raid schedule. Just a bunch of nerds trying to get professor plums. Ideally we will have enough players reach level cap within the first month to begin MC early October although this may change. We will be trying to recruit as many potential raiders and class officers as possible over the coming weeks so if you would like to apply please message an officer.

contact an officer for a quick chat.

Merillia#2017 -Discord

Merillia#21369 -Battlenet

Cara#7788 -Discord

EstoTWB#0898 -Discord

We are open to all, socials and raiders alike. To those who are interested we look forward to meeting you and to those who already have a guild sorted we’ll see you on the raceway!

Hi Tamka

We are currently recruiting. Please feel free to check us out here


Hey Tamka

Magikal a long standing gaming community is currently open for members we have just over 40 people going into WoW Classic, core guild been around for 20 years and we are looking to go in as a Semi-hardcore guild to progress and enjoy.

Mainly UK based with people all over europe too.

Drop me a message or discord me #T-J #6624

Hey Tamka,

I believe we can cater to you all because as a guild we appeal to all sorts of players as a social raiding guild, from the very casual players to the hardcore players.
Right now we are around 66 members so you´d be more than welcome to join our big family :slight_smile:
If you have any questions dont be shy to PM me or discord me (its in the link).
PS: we are Alliance on Shazzrah btw.

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