10.1 Paladin set looks dog

And rogue… Honestly we look like the teenage mutant ninja turtles’s Shredder from the maw.

Wait a second, why do you have more trust level than I do with less posts than I have?

I am not speaking exclusively about Paladin but the Priest set too, buddy.

“Plate armor” is a different type of armor INGAME for GAMEPLAY REASONS. Not because it is for the lore or class fantasy that way pre-defined.

Many Knights IRL history did wear Chain mail instead of plate armor, simple because it was cheaper to afford. If we take that into account for the influences the classes Paladin and Priest come from, it is reasonable that some of their armor pieces could also just be Chain mail beneath a robe.

Aside of that, in case of the Priest armor it actually makes more sense because Chain mail offers more mobility with next-to same level of Protection for most blunt force attacks (depending on the quality of the Chain mail of course).

From a gameplay-irrelevant design perspective, those designs make 100% sense with common military history of the medieval times, which were very likely the original influence for the classes.

I don’t know!! I can’t log out anymore or change my forum post character either><

But according to others. Its apperently got something to do with me having been a beta player. Beta players gets trust level 3.

Just be grateful it isnt the hunter set, that thing is ugly AF (same as usual).
Why does it have one gigantic shoulder that looks in no way practical?
Also why do the boots have toes!!? Ive been shoe shopping many, many times and can confidently say that all the footwear Ive seen keeps the toes on the inside!

WoW paladins have nothing to do with irl paladins other than the name. There needs to be no connection to the irl stuff imo

Warcraft 2 and 3 Paladins are literally based on european knights, man. Do your homework.

Where does it say they’re based on European knights? Anyways, they are not European knights, so it really doesn’t even matter what the source of inspiration is/was, because they’re entirely fictional in WoW

i would gladly trade it for this plastic, over the top looking priest garbage set = )

its coolest armor judgement is a robe don’t diss the combat robes :stuck_out_tongue:

Not to be an douchebag… But how much European knight looking inspiration do you see in Warcraft 2-3 inspiration for paladins?.. Appearance wise.

If comparing your templar art to those games I mean. And the paladin looks since then.

though odd all of the paladins of Charlemagne wear heavy armor and have done so in most fantasy media too :stuck_out_tongue: personally i’m not against robes but most robes look lame :smiley:

Well, when we go from a Lore perspective, the Paladins were former Priests and regular Knights that were trained in manifesting and wielding the Light against the Foes of Mankind. Uther Lightbringer was the first actual Paladin in the Lore of Warcraft.

Important is to note here “Paladins were former Priests and regular Knights”. The Plate Armor originates from Knights in that case. From what were Knights in Warcraft influenced? Medieval Knights from the European Medieval Ages. The Holy aspect of Paladins came together with the addition of Priests to their ranks as same as the founder of the Paladin initiative, the Archbishop of Holy Church of Light. The Paladins were the Archbishops Idea in the Lore.

From a design perspective, it isn’t hard to make a Knight look Holy, therefore creating a Paladin. Every believing, praying and preaching Knight that follows the Knight Codex and wears golden-silver Ornate Plate Armor can be considered a Paladin in general. Because that is the classic depiction of a Paladin. A Knight in glorious looking Armor, that puts the own Life at risk to protect Believes and the weak People.
And from what did that ideal/organisation type originate from? The Templar Knights and their famous Order. What did the Idea of Crusades originate from? Also the Templar Knights and their famous Order including their Involvement with the Christian Crusades and the Pope.


It is literally that simple.

I mean yes you are right on that one. It is that simple… But its also not. Because Warcrafts paladin made their debut with their own unique apperance and looks.

So unless you are a lore person who thinks about the stuff you mention. When you think ‘‘Warcraft paladin’’ Your first point of reference is Likely Uther or Arthas or any wc3 paladin unit. And that is where most players would draw their Paladin inspiration from when they think ‘‘Warcraft paladin’’

I am saying yes you are right. But you have to be an especially paladin inspired person to think this far when it comes to inspiration or appearance. The average Warcraft fan and paladin player probably didn’t draw their inspiration from medieval knights when they first created them. But more from the classic wc3 and world of warcraft concepts of paladins.

Because that is the point where Paladins were introduced into Warcraft lore.

I think that is not inherently right or wrong. Sure, there will be many people who didn’t think about it from that perspective and/or origin. But most look at Warrior and Paladin and Death Knight (has literally Knight in the name) in the class editor screen and make the connection from Medieval Knights → Warcraft Knights → Paladins/Death Knights/Warriors as origin of inspiration.

Even back then the Lordaeron Knights used the same color/armor as the WC3 Paladins did, since the majoritiy of Warcraft Paladin Orders are made of Lordaerons Knights and Priests. That is even mentioned in the books. In fact, after the Invasion of the Horde and destruction of Stormwind, Lordaeron basically became a “Paladin-State” due to the Archbishops work with the Priests and Priestesses of his church and the Knights of Lordaeron and Stormwind.

Perhaps you are right… But in this threads case. The priest won the paladin looks when compared to old Paladin art and armor.

Even if you could argue that the inspiration comes from very legit sources and reasons.

We have seen only 1 color variant so far. I wouldn’t say that contest is decided yet.

I am pretty sure the Mythic set will again knock it out of the park.

had another look
you can’t even call it a robe, it’s literally open up until the waist level at the front
there’s an actual robe right next to it in the screenshot

if anything it feels like these sets are older sets revamped with modern appearances as well as having gotten a dragon tint.
Paladin helmet with the sun emblem behind the head reminds me of WoDs last tier helm.

I’d sooner say that the priest set looks to plate heavy

Also to everyone argueing real life vs non real life, the vast majority of lore in wow is based on some real world story, idea, concept or culture

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Thread ended by Punyelf.

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As it usually happens.

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