10/10N 4/10HC Boomkin LFG

CE Nyalotha on mage, back playing boomkin and looking for a 2 day raiding guild, horde side. 204ilvl at time of post
[Weekday raids please]
Discord - Muuhaha#8988

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Hey there!

We’d be interested in having you :slight_smile:

Check us out

You haven’t left any battletag or discord tag so if you’re interested be sure to contact us.

Discord: Dylan#1602, Impact#8303
Bnet: Elitescream#2347, Impact#2811

Sorry unable to raid weekends, apologies I didn’t specify

Morning my friend.

You can contact me via bnet: aRTeeCee#21836

Raid Times/Days : Wednesday - Sunday 8pm - 11 pm ST

Progress so far: Normal cleared and 3/10HC, gonna be most likely 5HC after Sunday.

Short info about us.

We welcome everyone with a healthy and positive attitude towards being members of a social and progression oriented team.

We’re a mixture of players that aim for pushing end-game content. Pillar men promotes a positive, toxic-free raiding environment while maintaining a healthy progression mentality.

We value the person before the player, everything is a balance, something we strongly stand by.

Our primary goal as guild will be to push CE in the first tier while steadily building up a roster. What you can expect from us: - Well structured and organised raids. With the understanding that CE is a goal and not something that will be a thing immediately. - Competitive yet relaxed atmosphere. - Dedicated leadership who work along with the team.

Here is the rest our recruitment thread: Delete this, irrelevant now

Hope to hear from you!!! :smiley: