Do you plan on maining a Vulpera?

No, I only play one race, Vulpera will not change that, as they are not any good for me. But I will make Vulpera roast since their release day.

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No I’ll probably just level one for the achievements although I said that about my zandalari druid too and now it’s the only char I play . Vulpera look a bit too goofy for me so I’m leaning towards no but maybe they’ll be fun, I like small characters.


Was planning to, but horde is just too crap for me

Sadly no, i can’t stand races without boots.

I don’t even plan on making one, never mind maining one.

I honestly can’t wait to level one! They’re so cute! :heart_eyes:

I love the look of those you linked!


Here’s my planned Vulperas if my team gets their way of going Horde again

No cause their horde but i will probably make one to say i “have one”

My main character has literally been every single race in this game by now, so I was kinda resigned to the fact that I’d race change to Vulpera.

Then I saw their run animations. They, same as the new Worgen, are constantly running with the sprint animation… Thanks, but races with corners cut to such an extent that they don’t even have a regular run animation, are not to my taste since I’ll feel annoyed every time I’m reminded by it.

So next patch the Random BGs queue times on Horde will go up to 30-40 min…!! :laughing:

Honestly, I started my BfA questing in Vol’dun because I had heard rumours Vulpera would become an allied race and I wanted one. But always as an alt.
But now I just don’t care anymore. I dislike what they did to BfA, going really fast from war between the factions to working with each other again.
For me, Shadowlands can be the final expac. The chapter that ends the whole story of Orcs vs Humans.
I only started my wow adventure during Legion, so take what you want from my opinion, but to me it doesn’t feel like wow anymore. Too much is being added, too much is being done to make the masses happy instead of keeping true to the original Warcraft universe.

Vulpera rogue is the dream. Can we have them for alliance please? We will trade highelves for them.

Can’t trade what you don’t have :wink:

shhhh I was trying to sell them their own goods. I have diploma in khajiiti trading.


The Horde ain’t that bad.
They have spikes and red!

My main problems with horde:

  • Garrison is literally hole in the snow
  • I have to take flymaster in dazal alor only to check companion table
  • Warchiefs die quicker then I tend to even remember who current warchief is
  • I must play without shoulderpads to prove I have honor
  • Burgers are being frown upon as a food in the horde

I actually prefer the garrison. I find it easier to know whats what.

Thats only an issue when you care about the table.
But I agree the layout really sucks.

Killed off for good now.
Now its a council.

Not gonna lie I don’t get this one.

Beef burgers sure but if the BFA prepatch taught us anything its that the Horde is not adverse to a good BBQ.

This is vulpera with the new cloak-backpack transmog

No I will not.
Just honored in rep for it so I will not waste time on rep and then start lvl it up.
Right now trying to lvl the rep for Zandalari char but just rev for it.

I will not main a Vulpera. Heck, I will not even level a Vulpera! What has the Horde done to deserve Vulpera? The thought of playing a Vulpera is worse than … Baine Bloodhoof as Warchief!