120 Level Boost Problem

I used a 120 Level Boost on one of my chars and now i can´t join my lowlevel friends in dungeons using the sync funktion. However it still works with all my other chars.

I thought there might be a lock for the first day but it seems that i am able to join normal or HC 120 dungeons and even LFR without a problem.

it also Levels me down to 60 when we sync but we always get an error

Boosted characters have a 24hr cooldown (used to be 72hrs), during which they can’t use dungeon finder, bg finder, etc, and I think (but not 100% sure) that they can’t enter any raids for the duration of the cooldown.

If you continue to have problems with this beyond the 24 hrs cooldown, you will need to make a ticket. The forums are not a way to skip the ticket queues.

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I am able to join dungeons, BG´s , Raids , LFR etc etc however i am not able to party synch join the level 70 dungeons

I am not here to skip ticket queues the Ticket system told me to come here

Trovlak is correct, you can’t enter Legacy content, but you can enter Boost level content, which is why you can do LFR, and such, but not join your friend through Party Sync.

This is a 24 hour cooldown, so you just need to wait for now in this case.

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I thank you 2 for your time and infromation. would be nice to have some kind of ingame Dbuff that shows that or adds a Tooltip

I wrote it to support several times and I don’t get any response … I activated an epic WOW Shadowlands key and I don’t get the boost and items that come with it. I would like to ask for help in this matter.

Please don’t necro old threads. If this article doesn’t answer your question - https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/255242 - please open a ticket so this can be looked into.