Picking a class for the new expansion (advice for casuals)

I say play what suits you, do not ever go for fotm classes, becuse, even if one class is realy good and op, it doesnt meen you will be, becuse that clas might not suit you at all, and you just can not perform at the level you should be able to.


I don’t know how you can tell what classes will be next expansion, since their design will be changed and we have no idea how they will play. This would only make sense after we are sometime into beta.

Warlock is so much better for solo casual play than mage will ever be. Leveling a mage with questing gear (i.e. not geared from the previous expansion) is the one of the most frustrating experiences I have ever had. Highly resilient, lol :rofl:

As a casual player that mostly plays alone, I can tell you that monk is one of the best picks one can make, very strong, very reliable class. Touch of karma protects efficiently even the noobiest of players from any “big mob” they might encounter. Good aoe, good single target, earth, win and fire gives you burst and it has two charges. Slef-healing. Really, there’s nothing monk lacks for a solo player.


When it comes to Retail and class pick, I only see…
What role you want to play? If dps, then what distance you want to play? Other than that, not much of a difference. Even the armor sets these days look same for same type of armor wearers.

It doesn’t really make much sense to give advice for casuals about what to choose in the next expansion when we literally know nothing about the class design ideas for it, except for a few unpruned spells. There is a possibility that half, or more of what you wrote won’t be true in Shadowlands, and some is already completely false.

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Rolling a Flavour of the month class will result in tears & tantrums when it gets nerfed.
Play what you like is the only reliable advice.


Thanks for your well thought out suggestions, there are some great pointers here for players of all levels of experience :slight_smile:

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I’ll play my beloved pally as always since LK regardless of the current meta because that’s my favorite character :slight_smile:

DK if you want to play the main theme of this expansion. Death.

DH if you want to dominate without having to think.

I don’t understand why people change main each expansion. Priest has been my main since TBC. Sometimes she’s great, sometimes she’s awful. It evens out. AndI really couldn’t cope with learning a completely new class every time.


Yeah, this is exactly why I have played druid for 14 years and mained it for 13 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Seriously though, this is assuming a very narrow audience, which again just reveal what is always said; You need to try it yourself.

I was adviced to roll hunter as a new player back in 2006. That was a very poor choice for me, and your guide would point me towards all the classes I enjoy the least(I have all classes).

Thanks for trying to give advice though, might be that someone find it usefull :blush:

How the class plays can change to something that I dislike. Or I play a lot of it and get bored so try something new. I no longer have a main; just the character that I happen to be playing at that moment. I don’t think that I could go back to only having one character unless I was only subbed for a month around each major patch.

I recommend not doing this. I played a bunch of BFA beta and decided what classes I was going to play based on what I experienced. Then the expansion pre-patch hit and suddenly everything I was going to play was awful.


Okay thanks for the laugh, was needed. DKs are either OP or at the complete bottom, calling it as one of the most reliable classes for both PvP and PvE meanwhile saying it’s a good class for the new players is just wrong I’m sorry.

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That’s the spirit! Never gonna change my beloved Pally

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Played monk since Mists. But have to agree, monks were a lot better and fun to play with MoP spec than the way the cut things out over the years. Feels like any other DPS class really which is sometimes boring.

However, specced well and using the right cooldowns and all, still feel monks can be good at taking down multiple mobs at once and very quickly as well. That and a lot of abilities are useable while moving. Balance druid just seems it needs more movement spells than having to stand still all the time.

Only issue is that monks need that higher gear to even get close to being as good as they were in mists. Start of expansion of low on gear and it’s like trying to get them through treacle sometimes and that’s not fun at all.

I would say druid. Reasons :

*4 spec all possible roles
*travel form get you out of combat fast and easy
*self heal in all spec
*fast dungeon que as tank or heal
*Last but not least looking good :sunglasses:


Jesus that’s a ton of bloated nonsense.

  • You can’t predict what is good mythic+/raid wise, it’s numbers tuning and nothing more, dh could have easily been bad or mediocre during Legion.
  • You can play whatever you want especially as casual player, tuning/balancing has never been that bad the last few years, meaningless for anything below mythic raiding.
  • You will have enough time during the prepatch where the changes are
    implemented to chose what you like and what not, no reason to push yourself to get into beta or something.

BM Hunter. The choice is so simple. :blush:

Yep, agree, can’t go wrong with druids, not totally anyway.

And - Best class for the undescisive with 4 specs.

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Seems like well informed knowledgeable advice.

Seems to me like any class will be just fine and its only when you get to the mix/maxing of high level end game content that you start to notice any strong advantages and disadvantages.

best lore as well btw