We’re working on a set of hotfixes to the game that should streamline upgrading your Legendary cloak via Horrific Visions.
- Coalescing Visions now drop in higher numbers from Assaults and Daily Quests.
- The Unique(5) inventory cap on Vessel of Horrific Visions has been removed, allowing you to carry as many Vessels as you like.
- Up to 4 Torn Pages of “Fear and Flesh” quest items can now drop in Horrific Visions from objectives on the rank 7-11 Legendary cloak upgrade quests (was a max of 2).
- You’ll need to clear more than two sides areas in one run to get more than two pages. The rank 13-15 quests will still drop a max of 2 pages, only from Lost Area objectives.
These updates will go into effect with weekly maintenance (Wednesday, February 26 in this region).
Now add more different visions.
Old news, and lacking numbers.
Tip: post on US and EU forums at same time.
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U already posted this, no news
, but if u could tell how much more from dailes and assaults would be cool 
Important question here, do they stack too though? (the vessels)
Cap is removed, would be nice if they stacked.
We now have some specifics to outline. Once again, these changes will come into effect with scheduled weekly maintenance:
Coalescing Visions
- Visions of N’Zoth Daily Quests now reward 50% more Coalescing Visions.
- The main N’Zoth Threat now rewards 2500 Coalescing Visions (in addition to a Vessel of Horrific Visions).
- Lesser Threats now reward 6500 Coalescing Visions.
Quests to Increase Cloak Rank
- For Rank 13, the Quest now requires 4 Torn Pages (was 6).
- For Rank 14, the Quest now requires 6 Torn Pages (was 12).
- For Rank 15, the Quest now requires 8 Torn Pages (was 18).
Useful to know, if I ever get that far…
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