well they could make more money hit the bots and move wow token in so they’re the sole purpose provider of gold
kavaix, said on twitter the pvp cheaters will also get what they deserve lets see xD
Ik they banned a few, but yday a bunch of the ele bots, who have been at it for a while, were still going strong.
so the hopes are rly high that there is more coming i suppose
Blizz banning in waves is the most profitable for them. Make it worth boting/ cheating so they keep boting/ cheating.
In general we have ± same amount of bots/ cheaters after ban wave, cos its not hardware ban and they just create new account.
Yep, exactly. Prolly like 90% of the botters that were banned are back on the grind already and each day more and more people are joining the party. This problem will just get worse, before it gets better, as long as Blizz is unable to automate the bans and relies on players mass reporting them.
Pokemonstv who got banned for cheating is already back, and farming top 1 solo shuffle again with a bot ofc
they should have given them ip bans or something
Skynet is trying to exterminate us. Luckily Infernion is our John Connor.
It suddenly became very quiet on these forums…
Every one level ups their new accounts
But this way, they can pay twice for the game. How could blizz miss the 40% of revenue that comes from botters buying accounts?
Nerfele isnt a bot, i saw him today chilling around the pvp vendors,
unless bots chill at vendors and type in chat now… /shrug
- even raiku makes mistakes it seems
if a player like raiku says someone is abot it is a bot doesnt mean he ahs to use the program 24/7
Ah yes, I also have a new char on another account with 14 honor lvls almost 0 achievements and blasting R1 with barely any effort.
Remember que timers + ppl might do other things every now and then even on botting chars.
The account was made at around 20/09/2023.
The ele got to lvl 70 at 24/09/2023.
Rival 1 - 25/09/2023.
Rival 2 - 26/09/2023.
Elite - 27/09/2023.
Theres quite alot of things in there that doesnt make much sense unless hes hard nerding or botting on another account x)
i mean he just can use no bot outide of the arena u know and only use it inside and watch one piece besides
The bot shouldnt do anything while outside the arena. Its quite obv its configured that way >_>
yea he can just let the bot be a bot play 8 hrs arena come back and collect all the rewards