14 days left before server merge and my characters are unplayable for 2 weeks

Well according to US forums most US servers have been closed down for 5 hours or more while clones are being removed. So 2 weeks for the moving of all players from ‘consolidated’ realms 2 weeks with running servers - not a bad guess.
Just prepare for tomorrow, when we will have the clones removed, two days late at that :exploding_head: :space_invader:

Good shout it seems that realm isn’t far away from being on the doomed list anyway… from what I see…

I doubt this. They said they vould dump players on healthily populated servers or words meaning the same.

It would be complete madness to transfer people to high pop servers and add to queue times. I just can’t see that happening. Someone has to be the dumping ground.

This is why I have been asking for 3 weeks what is happening with Ashbringer.

Not saying this is what will happen, but they could create more layers to solve overpopulation. Like they already do on the megaservers

Another thing people can abuse, fantastic

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