Whats your favorite kind of cheese?

Yep exactly this. I used to eat cheese, but then we went on vacation to greece and they gave me fresh goat’s milk and cheese. That freaked me out so much I didn’t want to eat ANY dairy for years (I don’t know how old I was at the time, but pretty young). Eventually I began to drink milk again and such, but stuff like yoghurt or cheese; nope. And I don’t think I ever will; don’t feel any need to eat that disgusting stuff. :blush: :upside_down_face:

I’m french and i like cheese,

Don’t tell me you don’t like goat cheese with baguette or raclette.

You can’t bypass raclette. i’m sure you love it !

Roquefort, Blue cheese, Gorgonzola etc
After that I like quality Feta cheese (not all are as good).

The great thing about cheese is that it never disappoints.

I used to hate cheese my whole childhood, but don’t know what happened, when I lived in France… Not that i ate those fancy French things. I ate Babybels.

Always liked milk etc., but I to this day cannot stand any scent of milk, cream, butter etc. My family finds this interesting since normally people, when do not like scent of food do not eat it, nor like its taste in general. But I like classic simple butter, I often buy milk (here some version of milk are a bit different from other milk in EU, we have some special local permit from EU to make it like that as regional and cultural thing)

Now I eat wide range - and weirder the better - cheese, but without France and their Babybel I would probably hate cheese to this day. Same with coffee. Everyone here has hear of Az and her coffee addiction. I used to be tea person, but getting good tea in Paris at time seemed like too much effort, so started to drink coffee.

France ruined me :frowning:

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Will enjoy pretty much everything else, but will have to pass on the cheese.

Dalaran Sharp goes great with a bit of Eversong Wine, and Darnassian Bleu is simply the best for some freshly-cooked Bear Burgers :heart_eyes:


Cheesecake :heart_eyes:


Blackberries cheesecake! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Fixed for you :smile:

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Regular or orange cheddar cheese or just plain gouda brick :smiley:

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Västerbottensost, on thin hard bread (traditional in Northern Sweden) and with real unsalted butter.

Gouda cheese mm

Anything… but particularly cheeses that utterly contaminate the entire fridge, if not eaten within three days!
Denmark makes some particularly good ‘stinky’ cheeses… Gamle Ole!

Gruyère and Appenzeller. Swiss cheese FtW!

oh yeeeeeh. Bree… battered… deep fried… bit of grape chutney.

Feed me.

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I don’t really like strong flavoured cheeses so the stuff I mostly is the type people say don’t smell and taste like anything.
I do like though certain cheeses with certain foods, like some proper parmigiano reggiano with shrimp risotto.

I’ve been having my oak smoked Yorkshire Wensleydale with fruitcake every lunchtime this week and it’s lovely … and going far too quickly :frowning:

I like gouda tasting cheese like Stormwind Brie.

also Vegan cheese is vile disgusting filth that is an abomination of nature and should be banished to the Twisting Nether for all eternity

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Now we’re talking :yum: that kind of cheese even i can like!


Goat cheese with honey ! The most perfect combo :star_struck: