Don’t be selfish dude. Some people haven’t got to revered yet, or are on alts. These were the people getting punished by the longer wait times. Not you though, clearly.
No one will play WSG anytime soon because of the overload of premades that solo q’ers/casuals have to deal with right now.
When you enter WSG as a solo Q’er team and have to fight a premade which is like 9 out of 10
No one enjoys that not even the premades. Because the pug team will afk, die and ghost in field untill the match is over.
lets be real, a logical move should been adding lv25 Epic weapons or something to Exalted with the rep. So there is something actually worth the grind in this phase
I think the newest generation of bots is realy hard to detect to be honest… but seeing 5 - 10 rogues with awesome names like “adwer” “jikos” “oijasd” and such standing in front of SFK waiting for the lockout timer to run out…
yeah they could do more… heck hire me i can spend about 2 hours every evening to keep all the layers of a server clean of bots.
The world is now more empty with the layer system changes. So Blizzard fixed it by speeding Ashenvale progress. But that doesnt fix the issue that the world is now more empty. It’s hard and boring to go get some pvp ganks in Ashenvale when there is almost no one to be found. That makes Ashenvale even less fun than before. Ashenvale was the only fun thing to do at 25, idk if it is still now.