Tune In July 8 for a Shadowlands Update

Tune In July 8 for a Shadowlands Update

Join World of Warcraft Executive Producer John Hight and Game Director Ion Hazzikostas live from their homes for an inside look at some of the latest Shadowlands content the development team has been working on.

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Fingers crossed for Slands Beta!


Let’s hope for good new to forsaken.

I’m not sure why ppl hate the new Forsaken, they don’t look too bad tbh.
I think ppl are overreacting a bit.


Sliders! Sliders! Sliders! make it happen!

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Will he announce pony race with blue hair?

I hope there won’t be any paragon reps in the Shadowlands! Or any mission table!

Is this real this times ?

Just dont want be hype for nothing to learn it got canceled

SL beta July 8th confirmed

Female Draenei?

True, they could be blood elves for example



blizz trying to b8 again after last one???
no this time im not tune in.

In 2 weeks?

That means in 1 week the next world disaster of 2020 is going to happen, so it gets postponed again. :upside_down_face:

Alien invasion or nuclear holocaust. Probably. :no_mouth:

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wait, was it prospone??
what did i watch…

It was postponed because of the BLM movement, because corporations was all jumping on the bandwagon to postpone events other such things to “show” they support the movement too.

Looking forward to this!

You sure about this? There’s still a lot of more important voices out there. :roll_eyes:

I only hope that shadowlands is completely different to bfa.

cuz holy moly that expansion was a bloody tragedy. like wod.

or fi is,make the toys ,pets and mounts not in them(as they you wouldnt in bfa yet did anyway) or give them abd luck protection/currency from chests

Im done being excited to w/e the current wow team has to say, i hope for something else, wont be mean to say it.