In the birthplace of necromantic magic, those who master the powers of death turn legions of ambitious souls into relentless armies. Should you join the Necrolords, you will take on the role of protector of the Shadowlands and carry the weight of a divided house upon your shoulders. Are you the one that prophecy has foretold?
Definitively my convenants for :
- Spells
- Story
- Soulsbinds
- Gladiator theme
- Top hat ( i hope we got a top hat systems for the Maw Walker too
) !
At least for my Marksmanship main and demonology warlock ( Pleasure in pain honor talent build in PvP) .
So i understood the systems of how we gonna move : like someone gonna hold the Maw Walker in the shoulder or head ( i think it depend on the cosmetic of it ? )
But i don’t understand the part of Abomination factory. What the reward of it or what gonna be the benefit of it ? Is this like we create a bodyguard ( choose between ranged / tank / healer or something like that ?) or is something we keep in our covenant sanctums and it give us reward ?
You were the chosen one!
Why did you stand in the fire?!
This is beyond epic!
that made me laugh
Come child, come to the Dark Side! We have cookies, absorb shield, and 20s/2m cleave for Arcane Mages!
Such a magnificent sight to behold! To indulge in reckless and glorious carnage for all eternity, and rise through the bones of the unworthy to the position of power is the highest honour!
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