With the completion of the War Effort and the ringing of the gong, the 20-player Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj and 40-player Temple of Ahn’Qiraj become available, luring adventurers into their depths to face the Qiraji—and ultimately, the Old God C’Thun.
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That doesn’t look like the C’thun I know. Old concept art?
That Is how he looks on phase 2?
That’s how your mom looks in phase 2.
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What even with the mouth?
I don’t know, it just looks off to me somehow.
How did you know?
[obligatory “why not just post this on Classic forums” post].

That doesn’t look like the C’thun I know. Old concept art?
This is how C’Thune would look like before budget cuts in Vanilla ;
Already did, got the rep and transmogs and pets, etc. a long time ago!
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