Burning Crusade: Mounts, Pets, and More

Burning Crusade: Mounts, Pets, and More

As the last of our ongoing series of articles featuring many of the collectibles in World of Warcraft, we’ve focused on the Burning Crusade. The fel-infused lands of Outland are waiting to be explored.

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PogO 10words

“* Glowcaps: Awarded for valiant acts in the Crusader’s Coliseum.”

Someone made a boo-boo in the article and got Champions Seals mixed up with Glowcaps xD


'member when you got a (new model) mount as reward for getting exalted ?

i 'member !

nowadays i see 80k price tags on recolor exalted rewards. -.-

Can you guys add more mount achievements in Shadowlands?

Would love to see 450 and 500, even 550 achieves

Asking for forum bot won’t do anything, bud.

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The lightforged Warframe cost still hurts my soul.

Collector’s Achievements *
Always a plan to add more. However, they know that if they add new mounts and stuff some people feel forced to do it.

  • On the other hand, they also don’t want to make it feel out of reach for other players.

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