2 DPS and 1 healer looking for a Hord guild on Draenor

Hello, Me and two of my friends are looking for a weekend HC raiding guild we are 2 warriors both furry and a holy paladin. we can mostly only join weekends due to work and stuff.
Feel free to add me on bnet Miltic#2900.

Hey, maybe Belan Shi is an option for you guys.
We raid on thursday and sunday.
Have a look at our forum link:

Howdy Utrid, we are a Heroic raiding Guild on Draenor. We raid on Fridays, Sundays and Tuesdays. Here’s a little about us and if your interested in joining, just give a message on Battle.net or on Discord(Eliwood#8771) to have a chat : D

Are you sick of bad leadership, awfull attitude & PUG all the content? Then you need MakGora! A new mythic raid focused guild who need more players to our core roster!
