You’re a complete troll if you think this could all be developed in a month and has no idea of how game development works ngl
But its been over 2 months by the launch of phase 2 so where u pulling 1 month from?
Also, no, you dont know game development time or what is or isnt managable. Your making assumptions lol, you act like blizzards a small company.
Theyve proven prior they pull other departments in, i.e during shadowlands Diablo devs developed the borrowed power systems.
They will do the same here.
Also the likelyhood is phase 2 has been in development longer then phase 1 has even been launched.
Phase 1 by the launch of phase 2 will be 2 months and 8 days old, the longest development time is art here which is already done.
Its very managable. Considering most of the game is already there, the only development part is litterally the runes, and again their all pulled from retail so no creation there.
This is a copy and paste job, with gnomergan enhanced.
Yes it peolly take longer then a month, but phase 2 will of prolly been in development longer then a month. We know they work on the next retail expansion the same time as the new ones launched. Lol
Game will have 2 teams.
1 that develops the next phase
1 that developes the current phase.
Wouldnt suprise me if they had been working on SoD for a year prior its announcement and most of its already completed.
I think you underestimate the effort these things take.
I’ll give you that Phase 2 content is already long done and Phase 3 development is probably already in more advanced stages.
But it also is more effort than your post would imply. It’s not just some hack they did in 2 and a half sprints and rolled it out the gate.
Ofcourse it is, i ainr gonna have the ins and outs the situation so i can only state it as the physical thing.
My point is this guy honestly thinks phase 2 has had only a months development which i stated.
Id be willing to bet SoD was in development miles before its announcement and they had cemented most things down before phsse 1 began.
The phases are to slow the game pace down to allow everyone the opportunity to keep up, not to give the team time to develope content for the next phase.
But the raw games already done, the only implementations are the twists, which yes take effort, but its as if he beleives we will get “more content” or balancing if phase 2 is extended. Which is most defintly not the case
That is most likely true.
And while I don’t think, let’s say Phase 3 is already done done, I’d bet that at the very least it’s in a playable state already.
Still, I’d also bet that they are counting on phases stalling time, so they can complete the development for the rest of SoD. I’d say that too was part of their consideration on how phases go.
It’s a lot of moving parts there, there is not only one ultimate reason for everything that’s happening, in my opinion.
Id argue more likely tweaks.
I.e gauging player feedback over the current phase and leaving room to make improvements based on that to the nrxt phase.
They will never be 100% done, because they will want room for this.
“This guy” knows a bit more about game develpment than you, giving the fact that you think most of the work they do is “copy-paste”.
It’s easy to write 10k lines of code for a month, the slowest part is testing it. The fact that they are releasing this season without PTR is why its taking longer time than usual. Also, its not only about just “copy-paste”. The layering system which they developed in 2019 for the classic wow is completely new, and they are still to this point making adjustments and adding new features to it. As you can see, 5 years later its still not polished enough, and we saw bugs in Ashenvale event because of it, because they implemented new things to it. And there’s many more, like the fact that there is not a single item for holy paladin in BFD, or the fact that almost every caster gear is locked behind 2 bosses etc. etc. These things are not “bugs” to fix during the phase, or “balancing” the different specs. These things have to be done during the development phase, and it’s very likely to be missed if there’s not enough testing. No matter how big team you have, there are things that can be missed.
Of course I don’t think phase 2 is being developed in a month, because I know that it cannot be done. Not physically impossible, but there are many things that can go wrong if you release a game in such a short period of time, that a big company cannot risk to do.
On top of that, they are working on 5 different versions of the game at the same time. Retail, Wotlk(+ Cata) , SoD, classic era (+ the new hardcore servers) and the new SSF hardcore coming up. If you launch all of the new content in the same time, having in mind that all of this essentialy is 1 game is gonna break apart your playerbase and you’ll lose money. That’s why they made a year plan for when to release what and even shared it with us. Why would they release p2 SoD in the upcoming weeks if Ruby Sanctum in Wotlk is coming up in couple of days, it makes no sense.
I didn’t mean to sound rude to you, sorry if I did, I’m just flabbergasted by some people and their comments in this forum. Every comment is something about “How awful Blizzard are as a company, how bad WoW is, why are you not doing this, why are you not doing that”. Like if you don’t like it just don’t pay a subscription and don’t play ?
I never said blizzard were bad or WoW. I think both fine.
My simple statement is i doubt theyd launch a release date if they didnt think they could meet it. No one thinks WoW can churn content.
And no mot litterally, but the lands, dungeons, monsters and majority of abilities alresdy exist in the game. They dont need to create those, its only the raw additions that need creating.
And sure 1 month is too short. And they do run 5 departments.
But each department has its own team, that isnt a issue. Once catas launched it frees up devs for a period of time. And the likelyhood is there pretty far through testing.
Given how close to the launch date the announcement was im pretty confident blizzard were waiting tkl they were finished with development, or mostly done prior saying anything.
WTF Blizz, I just only got to level 18!! Why it’s so early?!
My 60 wives and 213 kids won’t let me have so much free time
While the 19 yr old, single, unemployed, 0 bills to pay, neck beard, absolute gamer…
is bored right now with their 10 lvl25s full BISed out and 1000s of gold,
so tell me, which one are you? i think i already know
Just told ya, I’m dad with 60 wives and 213 kids, why blizz is in such a hurry?!
Im just hoping blizzard completely flip the totem pole with runes.
I think itd be funny to aee the chaos, of so many rerolling and fotm rerolls after farming soo much on current fotms.
All part of the fun
That would be hilarious.
There for sure will be new FOTMs and fails.
I bet we will see another OPAF rune or two. Style of BM or Penance.
You can already see that coming. All those people who play hunters for the first time in their lives because it was completely broken for such a long time, now are the same people complaining about the nerfs they are getting, and will reroll for sure, because they are not natural hunter players. Hunters who have been maining this class for a long time even think the nerfs they are getting are good. Or should I say “adjustments”
I hope those long phases makes the sweatlords that speedgrind content in one week, leave the game so that the casual dadgamers (for whom the Season of Dadgamers was actually designed for) can finally enjoy the game to it’s fullesr
I think phase 2 will hold more longevity imho
haha true,
I forsee either rogue or Warrior being top. unless something super happens.
I don’t get people complaining there isn’t enough to do. I have limited time to play and only have 3 characters at lvl 25. It’s season of discovery, the point is to discover runes and abilities previously not in the game.
It is, but not everyone wants to do 1-25, farm 12 runes and Gear 7 chars over to create content, People will have 2-3 classes they wanna play, and each 1-25 is roughly 12 hours of ingame time to do.
Realistically as u get higher, levelling takes longer and longer, Sure 1-25 u could do every class fairly easy, but whats the point if ur going to give up levelling em eventually