2 weeks and no more renown?

Only 15k for Denathrius kill normal? that’s not so bad TBH. how much for the curve? :neutral_face: I guess pay for it it’s the only way to get it :sob:

I foresee more people whining that they feel like the patch is “finished” and there’s nothing else to do.
This is why we need timegating, people whine over having their content finished too soon.

God that’s so troll.

I’m capped on souls and can’t use them, because I don’t have anima. So once I have all the upgrades and don’t need the anima anymore, I get more anima? :smile:

Edit: After thinking about it again it might just be poorly phrased.

The 500 anima probably replaces the Renown, not the souls (or atleast so I hope).

About 150k, give or take. Quite cheap, to be honest. Mind you, I’ve heard people pugging it too, so there’s that option aswell, if you don’t want to fork out gold.

(I’d fork out the gold, cba raiding, especially in a pug.)

When you have all the upgrades, there’s still the transmogs, collectibles and the mission table you can spend anima on. More anima from weeklies, less anima missions I need to do on the table, more gold & crafting material missions I can do! Big win in the long run.

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We all have those, we just don’t talk about them :rofl: :rofl:

Yes, that’s correct.

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Your calculations are correct OP. Renown was always only a gating mechanic though anyway, and it has served it’s purpose. It gated us long enough.

You won’t have to go after renown anymore which personally I see as a win.
Its a grind that should’ve ended with the covenant campaign story

Thanks for linking these changes Shammoz, I already forgotten half of them. :stuck_out_tongue:

On the changes:
I feel that 500 anima is a bit low for 20 souls.
Yes a good populated maw shard respawns the souls almost instantly but do it off hours and you usually end up spending way more time on it.

It’s just giving literally everyone more money. That’s not an increase in the supply of boosts nor is it an increase in the demand for them. It’s just inflation.

Fab, well when I hit 40 renown I will have even less incentive to do things for anima… :frowning:

Oh don’t you worry OP. Ion told in a post Blizzconline interview recently to expect the same amount of Renown when 9.1 Releases. So yeah, you will not have anymore of it for abit. But it will not be for long til a new amount of them gets added. The grind will continue, soon.

Wooooow…they outdone themselves this time.

4x1500 gold = 6.000 gold.

Watch out,people gonna get rich off that.

They should lower it to 150 gold.

Hold on there, don’t give them ideas :rofl:

Why 4x ? Its a once a week quest…

this renown items u get as reword from quests why cant u sell them in AH ? :rofl:
will be a good way to make gold … come on blizzard allow us to sell them :smiley:

Yeah I mean a whole 1500 gold a week!!! I can make that in 5 minutes.

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