Updating Torghast this Week

That’s how I feel too. It’s island expedition’s all over again.

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Can you tell us why we didn’t get “The Soulforges” wing this week if its on a set rotation?

So, I went and did torghast on my druid now after it remaining dormant for some time.

I really felt I was in danger pretty much autoattacking the boss down now with the odd moonfire and trash thrown in when I did layer 7. He couldn’t even outdamage ysera’s gift until the stacks started going up.

What a joke. Synod on first encounter at I think it was layer 3? He was far harder than this. I actually DIED on layer 3, repeated amount of times vs synod until I figured out the stacks. Meanwhile I’m standing there on layer 7 now, pretty much autoattacking a boss to death and he can’t outdamage my passive healing.

My death this run was to a trap because I put on autorun when I tabbed out and ran into a trap and died to it while tabbed out.

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This changes should be reverted. Yep i’m casual also, but for once. I really like Torghast and his difficulty what was original. Now Layer 3 is EZ mode for baby criers.

But i forgot, main target is now casuals, not people who enjoy the game.

today i started to wonder - maybe the difference in how people percive thorgast is because of some people (me included) noobing out and not realising that in order to make thorgast easier you farm maw and buy permanent upgrades ?

honestly i too didnt know that - and did it all this time without a single one of those -_-

maybe a lot of people did the same mistake as i did …

Torghast sucks. Can’t wait to never have to do it again.


Give us good loot at the end of it !

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Who cares if layer 3 is easy? It’s supposed to be. Complain again when layer 8 feels easy on all your alts.

Also how is it in groups now? I did it earlier only few times just to see that we get even 1-shotted by some normal trash abilities… is 20% reduced damage in groups making any difference for you or is solo still the way to go? I have only done layer 8’s solo on 2 characters this week.

On layer 8 start was though, but boss is loot pinata with anima powers.

Thank you. I found and still do find torghast very boring. It feels like diablo.

My general view on shadowlands is there is so much in it and requires many hours a week to stay afloat.

If you like Torghast cool, I absolutely hate this sh!t hole of a game mode, being forced into it just to enjoy the game later on.

Gating items like legendaries shouldnt be done this way. Torsh!t as I call it, should be an optional side thing to do. What a joke this is.

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Ngl I rage quit during a run today. I’m glad there’s many who enjoy the game still, but I feel done this time :neutral_face: not on and off anymore, just off. It’s old, it’s boring, it looks pretty on surface this time but under the hood is the same aged formula. I can get more fun per minute playing basically any other modern game and I’m just too old to not have fun when I make time for it. I also understand raiders and such enjoying new content, but I, basically a casual pvper, can get the fix of competing elsewhere cheaper with better balanced experience.

Sorry for the rant btw, I just felt extremely disappointed today, I love WoW art and music but :see_no_evil: I c a n ‘ t anymore. I can’t justify spending money and time on it. I’m not having fun. Leveling was awesome first time but overall it’s just a polished turd with a bow on top. Lol.

What ilvl were you on that video? I am just curious.

On layer 8 post-nerf as ilvl 165 I barely managed to kill him as blood with nearly perfect play and ability usage. Granted, my anima powers sucked, but still.

Haven’t obtained any further gear on it since then since I quit playing it due to how boring guardian is.

Thanks. Guess I just need to gear up a bit more. :slight_smile:

Well, blood dk isn’t a guardian druid as well. You don’t have something like ysera’s gift.

Aye, I am taking a lot of physical damage from auto attacks, especially after about 7 stacks of the damage buff. Usually I get good anima powers, so this is not really an issue, but on that run I was really unlucky, and boy was it tough haha.

layer 8 mort’regar final boss named watchers of death is unbelievably bugged. every other sec he casts an ability which you can not interrupt even half of them so he gets to damage you a lot and get healed for a huge amount of hp since you’re a tank I guess. there is no way of killing him. like wtf blizzard.

That is strange. I killed him without issues as blood today, and my anima powers were pretty average. How is he healing so much in that video?

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