There is no lag at all, maybe upgrade your PC?
KK - if you say so. But why should I upgrade my until new UI perfectly un-laggy PC which runs my working software no probs every day just because Blizz decied to put in Un-Classic UIs? That is the question need answer!
I am sorry but if WoW makes your PC lag then its so old an upgrade is due regardless
Nekrosh isn‘t classified as full anymore. Going a bit faster this time then I thought honestly
And what happened to Queue on Stitches - I had no probs logging in all evening? Migth be general die off.
Yes as expected. Same as every release ever.
Just even a bit faster now than I thought.
That‘s why I advised for always going to the bigger server if you wanna play long time
Yes … slower than I expected. Now people tired of dying … or have made 60. Waiting for ICC. But I think HC servers will keep fairly high pop – not die totally.
I hope so too and if two servers might be too much one day - you can always offer free transfers or connect them at some point.
Edit: But my guess is first they offer paid transfers to milk the cow a bit;)
Yet character who did so are mostly dead due to Stitches lags. And you can’t deny that HC hype wave in general is going down with other WoW versions having content updates soon. People are putting their HC character’s on hold due to buggy state of the HC and many deaths on flight patch’s and 10 minutes lags on Stitches, yet others come in for the bigger server. They get positive about some of the lags gone, start leveling ge their 40s and then after a few weeks there will be the second hype wave mostly happening at weekends, when the server will be unplayable again.
Glad Nek’Rosh getting more stable now, I thought Stitches tourists would ruin our realm as well.
That would be a very interesting development and unlike every other release. Let‘s see.
The lag topic really just can come from someone not playing there. Had once a big lack at said weekend where gladly many got revived.
Stitches tourists? I guess not Stitches still is full and has 10 layers.
Really fun – I do not know what to make of it – Today 11 am. 5 layers each on Stitches and Nek’Rosh.
8.30 pm. Stitches 7 layers – Nek’Rosh 5 layers. Still no idea what means.
Nekrosh is a ghost town and Stitches is on the way to die.
You can log in to Stitches whenever you want no queue and the population is dwelling.
Except on weekends and only during the evening on a saturday, the server is dead.
I give stitches 2 more weeks.
It was fun in the first 3 weeks.
Good luck and have fun.
Thursday evening Nek’Rosh still 5 layers, Stitches still 7. Queue, but short, as almost every evening.
I think this is how HC servers stay for long yet.
You try change layers? Maybe you in smallest one.
Still more ppl around than in retail.
No issue getting groups for Qs or dungeons on Necrosh horde, every zone under lvl 50 at +50ppl on /who.
people are so dramatic kekw.
there are still plently people playing and the server wont die within 2 weeks i guarantee u.