3 Players LF Guild

2DD/1Tank or 3DD lf guild.

ideally you have HC clear and are somewhat progressed in Mythic.
Also looking for some key pushing.

You can add me on Bnet: Inflame#2751

Howdy Kate, we are a Heroic raiding Guild that raid on Sundays and Tuesdays. We have plans to raid the previous tiers and also some SOTFO Mythic once we’ve downed the Jailer on HC. Here’s a little about is : )

Hi mate,

Not sure what level you’re at but my guild on Stormscale(horde) are looking for dps to start mythic after finishing up with heroic.

Currently on a break whilst we build up a roster but if you’re interested my bnet is WalkingDead#1179

Hey there, we are looking for DPS for our mythic and heroic cross faction raid teams, here’s our recruitment post:

All my contact information is in the post so feel free to get in touch!