The turtle saving WQ for tortolans

So basically the tortolans have the player interfere with the natural balance and the food chain because they feel a connection to the turtles.

I wonder how we are not having a quest where a Bovine faction is trying to liberate cattle from ranches yet.

edit: meh… too late. Above poster was faster.

There is new version of that wq coming where you kill the turtles. :slight_smile:

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I am NOT doing that!


There is no such thing as too much information. :kissing_heart:

Perhaps in another future patch we will also get a quest from some Loa to stop Scrollsage Nolla from interfering with nature in any capacity. A bit like the quest where that raptor Loa makes us bite the backside of the NPC that gave us a quest to kill the tiny raptors.

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“A turtle didn’t make it to the water HOORAY!”

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That would be fun to see.

All the people wanting to kill the turtles - You’re all bad people, and you should feel bad.

think people should think of this quest more or less like, how nature works instead, becuse atleast the new one, where you get a biology lesson instead.

I just feel that the original quest should had been about defending the turtles from something invasive/unnatural instead of attacking the natural predators of the turtles. It feels like those people trying to make their cats and dogs into vegans

That’s exactly what any sentient species does. They interfere with the natural order because they can think and have empathy. Also isn’t protecting those you feel connected to a natural instinct. Tortollans are more intelligent than seagulls or crabs so they use what they can to protect their kids.

If it awards AP, I do them.

I’m sorry baby turtles but i will probably end up doing the quest too… :pleading_face:

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But the turtles are not their kids. They just have similarities to their species.
This in not Japanese folklore where animals who live long enough gain sentience and speech

First thing that came to mind is “A Tauren made it to slaughter”.


this reminded me of this old comic that you can find if you search for WoW comic Tauren Burger

In before the:

:crab: A :crab: CRAB :crab: MADE :crab: IT :crab: TO :crab: THE :crab: TURTLE :turtle:! :crab:


Why is it okay to kill crabs & sea gulls, but wrong to kill turtles?

It will be fine!