Honor reset in 9.2?

Since we wont get rid of this horrible designed upgrading/gearing system:
Will i keep my honor in 9.2/ next season or will it be resetted? I dunno if i should already be grinding for honor

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it will reset

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we dont know. chances are they will only reset conquest

s1 → s2 honor did not reset.
so im assuming that it wont reset this time either.
but ye one cant be sure… we will see.

Only conquest resets, unless they changed it. But I’m 99% sure honor does not, hence I already capped my chars on honor.

From s1 to s2 honor did not reset on my characters

Only Conquest should be lost. We allso gonna “blast off” with a random BG bonus event that week so that’s at least a good headstart

Bonus bg event when new patch, kinda bad u wanna explore that new island :smiley:

Please keep conquest uncapped for S3. Thank you kindly, Blizzard.


I think that is a bad idea and the blue post explaining the reasoning when they uncapped it makes sense.

A lot of people would no life, get massive amount of conq points, gear up, and if you couldn’t play as much, you will be at disadvantage.

However, they should uncap it a lot sooner then in 9.1, for sure.

Honor will not reset with the start of Season 3. Our intention is for it to carry-over.

Have fun!


Wow a Blueposte on eu


Well, thank god I read this now and not yesterday when I wasted all my honor because I was expecting the usual 0,001 silver conversion.

Good news actually, I’ve seen a post un us somebody asked to a gm and he said it will be converted so I was confused.

I think you should also remove Honor cap. I don’t see a reason for it in first place.

Honor was not reset a single time during SL btw.

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