Synthesize A Menagerie of Mounts and Battle Pets in Eternity’s End!

Synthesize A Menagerie of Mounts and Battle Pets in Eternity’s End!

Welcome Protoform Synthesis, a new crafting feature that allows you to create Zereth Mortis-themed mounts and pets to expand your collection.

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Is this going to be like the Change the colour of your mount thing in Mechadon?

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So basically this will be like the Blueprints system from Mechagon but with mounts and pets instead of gizmos?


So this new and wonderful place of Zereth Mortis is just a reskin of Mechagon?

And this wonderful new solid water has definitely never been seen before xD

That seems to be the case, yes. Hopefully the drop rates of schematics won’t be as bad as the drop rates of some Mechagon blueprints.

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tbh, I was more excited about Mechagon.

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How about giving some update on the ignored tier set feedback?

i never completed nazjarat or mechagon mount grinds. i dont have bag space for all this! come on. is this another +30 bag slots requires for 5 months while you grind ingredients?


They can never win with whiners like you can they?

Talk about a, you ask for b. Talk about b you moan about a.

Foolproof tactic, kudos.


hey look more mounts :grimacing:




im glad few people can still get excited for this repetitive nonsense but a normal person should be able to see through this drib drab feeding technique


I actually enjoy the mount and transmog collecting. What I don’t enjoy is that it’s just multiple recolours of the same thing over and over.

I would rather have less to collect, than 5 different colours of the same thing.

Even just 1 or 2 unique (or even reskinned) mounts in the patch would be enough. Something that requires a bit of work to get.

But when its just multiple recolours of the same thing, nothing feels special anymore.


that is not cost effective though is it ? as long as people keep paying for recolours that is what you will continue to get.

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But that’s the point… they don’t anymore.

Sssssh…there are new shinies and they are grindable.

Not to mention the fact, peeps collect ‘recolors’ of Pop Art…so it’s a thing, even in RL.

i dunno many still play the game and pay the sunscription so to them they think it is good enough content to keep releasing.

if more people spoke up and signed off… you would soon start getting better content or even a new game.

EDIT: their main priority is player interest … and so far MOST people who still remain seem perfectly fine with the way things are right now.

yeah it is a thing and i’ll never understand it lol

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Collectors go brrrrrrrrrr

I never really felt compelled to get the various paint colors for the Mechagon mount. The whole mount collection game isn’t really for me I think. When you have hundreds it sort of feels insignificant to add an extra when there’s no value for doing so.

I did like the whole schematics part of Mechagon and building various gadgets. There was some tangible progression to that. If it will only pertain to mounts and pets in Zereth Mortis…hmm…we’ll see.

But hopefully it’ll scratch the mount collector’s itch for more mounts. :yum:

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