WoW Hotfixes - Updated 21 October


Dungeons and Raids

  • Fated Raids
    • Sepulcher of the First Ones
      • The Jailer
        • Resolved an issue where the Creation Spark fated power could negatively affect the following ability durations: Arcane Vulnerability, Azerite Radiation, Rune of Domination, Rune of Compulsion, Rune of Damnation, Torment, Imprisonment, and Death Sentence.
        • Resolved an issue where Rune of Compulsion-afflicted players negatively interact with movement speed increasing effects.

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Druid
    • Shapeshifting into Cat Form once again automatically activates Track Humanoids.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Tauren from using the Barber Shop.
  • It will now rain blood when Highlord Darion Mograine says “The skies turn red with the blood of the fallen!” during the Death Knight quest “The Light of Dawn.“