399 Resto Druid LF Normal & Heroic Raiding Guild

Hi Guys,

Back in Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King, I used to raid hardcore going for ‘Server Firsts’ as world firsts wore above my league :stuck_out_tongue: I really enjoyed my time doing these raids. However, late WotLK / early Cata my daughter was born and I never had the time to raid as much as I did, therefore I always ended up in LFR or Raid Finder groups.

I’m looking for a Friendly Guild that are progressing through Normal and Heroic BoD, a group of people I can enjoy playing with and just have fun with when I play WoW.

I am an experienced healer. Although I haven’t raided much in the past few years, I have always focused on bettering my skills as a healer. I have played a healer since Vanilla and will continue to play as a healer throughout all my time on WoW.

I currently spend my time doing Random Mythic + groups, slowly making my way into +10 and higher keys.

As mentioned above, I am a 399 item level resto druid who is looking for a Friendly Raiding guild. Drop me a message on Doba-Twisting Nether or add my bnet tag - paldobba#2746

Apologies for the long read. All the best


Hello there,

Feel free to contact either Ricecrackers or Etoia (both their info is at the bottom of the next link) We’re a casual raid guild with a 2 day raid shedule currently progressing on heroic, but also do a lot of m+. We also have an active discord channel to keep in touch with each other even if we aren’t ingame.


If you’re willing to swap both realm and faction in order to join a nice group of casuals hit us up :slight_smile:

<Olahåla> is on Twisting Nether, horde side, same as you! We’re currently recruiting healers and are at 6/9 HC. We raid on wednesdays and sundays 20:00-22:30/23:00.

I’ve added you on bnet if you’re interested!

Hey Doba!

Our raidteam is looking for a healer to continue the progress in BoD with us!
is a casual guild and we only raid normal/heroic difficulty.
Raid days are; Saturday & Sunday 20-23 servertime.
We have players who have raided for various of years and on various levels (TBC server firsts etc type :slight_smile: ) but also few who are newer to raiding, which means we are not a military type of a guild but a group of friends type instead where officers are not better than anyone else.

Here’s my recruitment post link;

If you see this and are interested add me on btag for a chat;